My New Dance Partner

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{This is a little short chapter, a tease between Melissa and Kevin}

Chapter 128

“Attention class.” Says Miss Annabelle as she walks into the dance room.

Sitting off to the side next to Jesy, I leaned against Johnny’s leg as I closed my eyes. Dance practices was hard and too much, but that’s the reason why I liked it. It kept me on my toes and was my reason to work out since my training with the boys wasn’t going to start back up till Niall got here. Everybody stopped what they were doing as they turned facing Miss Annabelle giving them her full undivided attention.

“Okay so I have some news that you may or may not like.” She starts off, “This semester I want to have 4 main dances. Each idea taken from a popular movie.”

“Like Dirty Dancing?” asked Jesy.

She nods, “Exactly like dirty dancing but I was thinking something more current than that.” Walking to the flat screen in the room she puts in a disc as she says, “Have you all heard of the movies Step up?”

“Have we heard of it? Channing Tatum has made that movie beyond popular! With his sexy self.” Says Rita, as she sits off to the side.

“Yes, Channing Tatum was the first to bring attention to this movie, but in the other 4 instalments it was the main actor and actress who brought  attention to this making it bigger than ever.” Pressing play on the dvd player, a mixture of clips from all of the movie played.

“So you want us to learn the dances from these movies for class?” asked Johnny.

She nods, “Exactly. I want you pick 1 huge dance number from one of these movies and learn it, so you can perform it as a class.”

“Well we already know which one were picking first hands down.” Says Johnny from behind me.

“And what is that?” asks Miss Annabelle.

“The restaurant scene from Step Up Revolution.”

Other dancers in the class agreed with him as Miss Annabelle says, “I actually really like that idea, that dance include ballet but with flare. I love it.”

The class cheers in their excitement as Jesy says, “But who is going to be the leading girl.”

Looking up at Miss Annabelle, her eyes lock onto mine. Turning around I looked around me as I looked back at her and shook my head, “No.”

“Melissa,” she starts.

“No way! I’m not doing it.” I say sitting up from Johnny as I crossed my arms.

“Melissa! That is perfect!” yells Johnny.

“No it’s not. You know I don’t like being the lead.”

“We know that, but you have no choice. You’re the only one who is as flexible and who has the most ballet experience than anyone in this class.” Says Rita.

“What are you talking about you took Ballet freshman year with me.”

“Yeah but I also dropped out after a semester. You finished all 3 years, and you took gymnastics when you were younger, so you can actually do all the flips and stuff she was doing.”

“Yeah, but,”

“But nothing Melissa, you have to do the lead, you just have to.” Says Johnny.

Letting out an exaggerated breath I say, “Fine, fine whatever I’ll do it. But who is going to be the male lead.”

“Actually I was thinking that we give the new boy a shot.” Says Annabelle.

“New boy?” says Johnny.

My eyes automatically drifted to the corner of the room where Kevin stood.

“Can he even dance?” asked Jesy.

Annabelle nodded, “He did have to audition for this class.”

“The leading people had chemistry. We,” I pointed in between us, “Don’t have any kind of Chemistry.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” She says as she motions me to the middle of the floor.

“What you want us to do something now?”

She nods, “What better way to see if you have chemistry than testing it out now.”

I looked at Kevin as he winks and shrugs as he walks to the middle of the floor.

“Damn it.” I mumbled to myself as I stood, adjusting my shorts, as I walked to meet him.

“So what number do you want to do?” he asked.

“Depends on what you already know.”

“I know everything.” He says.

“Is that so?” I asked.

He nodded, “Since we have to do something from Step up, let’s keep that in the mix.”

Walking over to the radio he messed with his phone for a minute before plugging it into the jack. Pushing play I laughed as I put my hands on my hip, “Really? You want to do the last ballet number in the movie?”

He nods, “Why not? Not only does it show that I can do the part, but it’ll show if you actually can.”

Stepping towards him I say, “Are you questioning my dancing?”

“Maybe.” He smirks.

“Do you honestly think that you can keep up with me?”

“Kitten,” he says slowly dragging out the word with his voice deep as he walks to me lowering his voice, “I can keep up with you any second of the day.”

“We’ll see about that.” I say turning around as I walked back to the middle of the floor.

Pressing play, I could practically feel his eyes on me as I began to have butterflies in my stomach.

Kevin slowly walked up behind me, pressing up against me as he slides his hand on my side stopping on my stomach as his other trails over the top of my chest. Moving his hand from my stomach he runs it up my arm as he places it on my forehead with my hand covering. Extending his hand that was on my chest, I followed as we flowed with the music.

The dance was slow, meaningful, and I was losing myself in the moments like always. But this time was different. I was no longer letting myself get lost into the music, I was letting myself get lost in him. Letting him see me in a way that showed I was vulnerable. The movements picked up a little with him picking me up and us pressing our bodies together. My body heated up ten times its max and I felt like I was on fire, the way he ran his hands on my hips made my thoughts clutter. His scent surrounded me and the way he looked at me was intimate. We danced for a few minutes, but to me if felt like hours. As the song came to an end, Kevin picked me up off the ground with my back pressed against his chest as we just swayed back and forth. Placing me back on the ground I turned taking his face into mine as he dips me backward. Pulling me back up slowly to him my hand gripped the back of his head as he looks at me. His face glistened from sweat as he stared at me with those beautiful autumn brown eyes. Something sparkled in them as he licks his lips and pulls me closer to him. My eyes fluttered closed as I started to allow myself to fall into him.

The cheers and claps from the class brought me back to reality. Pulling out of his grip I stepping back as Jesy and Johnny came to my side.

“Melissa that was amazing!” yells Jesy.

“I guess that we now have our leading male and female.” Says Miss Annabelle.

People surrounded us both, congratulating us for getting the parts, but for some reason I couldn’t take my eyes off of him and he didn’t take his eyes off of me.  

What the hell is going on?

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