Do You Love Me?

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Niall POV

Running to the house for a minute, I was hell of surprised when I walked up to see Zoe leaning against my door. Fumbling with my keys I shake my head as I laughed sarcastically, “You’ve got to be shitting me right?”

Looking up from her phone she looks at me as she pushes her hair behind my ear, “Niall,”

“Leave.” I say as I approached my door.

“Look,” she pledges, “Just let me explain.”

“What is there to explain? You spiked my drink after I was stupid enough to think that I could trust you, that we could be friends, or at least civil with each other.” Shaking my head I say, “Explaining isn’t going to cut it this time Z.”

As I stuck the keys into the lock she touches my arm as she says, “Please.”

Looking at her, her eyes were blood shot as if she had been crying. I went to shrug her off my arm when I noticed that her hands were trembling. Looking her back in the eyes I noticed that everything about her was off, from her blood shot eyes, to her shaky hands. This girl was terrified.

“She is going to fucking kill me.” I mumbled to myself as I pushed the door open to the condo. Motioning her inside I say, “Don’t fucking make me regret this Z.”

She nods as she walks in front of me, taking a quick look down the hall before she walked inside. I raised a brow as I ran a hand up my back pulling my gun up a bit for easy access, before I walked inside and liked the door behind me. She stands there for a moment just looking around as she notices a few boxes sitting along the wall in the living room.

“Decorations?” she asked as she looks over at the boxes.

I nod, “Christmas shit.”

Walking into the kitchen she stands in that one spot as she says, “You don’t decorate for thanksgiving?”

I shake my head, “Princess wanted to get specific plates, not to go all out.”

“Princess,” she says with an eye roll, one that she looked like she tried not to do.

But failed terribly.

“Easy, the minute you say something wrong about her I will kick you out, and wouldn’t give two damns who you are running from.”

She looks at me with worry, as she quickly gains her bitchy posture and places a hand on her hip, “Who says I’m running?”

Pouring two shots of whiskey I say, “Well seeing as you look like shit with blood shot eyes, and your being overly nervous.” Pushing a glass towards her and picking up mine I say, “Actions speak louder than words.”

Looking at the glass I motion to the bar stool as I say, “Its untainted, so sit.”

“Who do you think you are?” she asked quickly irritated.

“A person who you obviously need to help you out in whatever shit storm your in.” taking a drink of my whiskey I say, “Now sit.”

Moving over to the sit she sits as she drinks the whiskey, “You remember,” she says as she runs her finger along the rim of the glass, “You remember when we were younger and we talked about running away together.”

I didn’t answer.

“You said that you wanted to get a cottage, somewhere in the Netherlands, so we could have a spot to ourselves.”

“I said a lot of shit at that time. If I remembered correctly I told you I wanted to be a hockey player, and that didn’t happen.”

“But it could’ve.” She states, “We could’ve gotten our cottage, we could’ve have gotten away from all of this.”

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now