Lets Mix This Up A Little

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Chapter 114

Niall POV

Climbing out of Demi I walked up to Charlie’s that was closed. Knocking twice I waited as the door opened.

“Morning kid.” Says  Harrison who originally owns the bar.

“Morning.” I say as he steps back and walks in.

“Been a while since I’ve seen you. Thought you were dead.”

I shrugged, “Eh something like that.”

Harrison nods as he says, “Let me go get your guest.” Walking pass me he disappears into the  back room.

Walking behind the bar and pulled out an energy drink from the fridge when the doors open back up.

“Well if it isn’t the guy who stole my heart then decided to stomp it into the ground.”

Turning around I saw a girl with brown hair, blond tips, standing there. She wore a shirt that stopped above her stomach, I believe Mel called them crop shirts, and skinny jeans. Nearly spitting of my drink I coughed as I say, “Jade?”

She smiles, “The one and only.” Walking from around the bar, she runs and gives me a hug.

“Its good to see you.” I say.

“Same here.” she says.

“So have we forgotten about me?”

Turning around stood another girl, her skin was toned and perfect, curves were outstanding with the half shirt, that showed her belly piercing and she wore shorts, her hair was in black curls that dropped past her shoulder.

“Leigh!” I exclaimed.

Walking to me, Jade moves back, as Leigh gives me a hug. Pulling back I looked between the two girl’s as I say, “Something must not be right if both of you are here.”

Leigh and Jade looks at each other as Jade says, “We heard about your mishap over the weekend.”

“With the girl at the tracks.”  Leigh added.

“And we thought that you may need a little help.”

Looking between the girls I say, “No something is wrong. You two never pop up just to help.”

“We do too.” says Leigh.

“Or do you not remember Moscow?” says Jade.

“Moscow? You came at the last minute to tell me how someone was going after Harry and you had no way of reaching him.”

“Well at least we told you.” says Jade.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to a table and sat down, motioning to the seats across from me I looked at them as they sat, “Tell me what’s going on and don’t leave nothing out.”

The girls sat as they took a deep breath as Jade started the story.



“Was that was a waste of time.” I say as we pulled back into the warehouse driveway.

“You’re lucky that he wasn’t there.” says Harry.

“I just wanted to talk to him.”

“Yeah and you wanted Niall to kill you afterwards.”

“Hey if I get killed you’re getting killed for going along with this.”

“Nope I have an excuse.”

I laughed, “And what is that?”

“You kidnapped me.” 

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now