Dad's Home!

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The smell of rain began to surround us as I stared at the figure in front of me. His hair was dark, a little longer then I remember and his face was sporting facial scruff. He had on reading glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose.

"What?" he says as I notice that his hands where now in his pockets, "Your old man can't get a hug?"

I shook my head in disbelief as I looked this man up and down. Tears ran down my face as I noticed that it began to sprinkle.

"You can't be here." I whisper, "This is..."

"Impossible." He says as he nods, "I know, but I can explain everything to you. Just," he looks at me, "I just want to hold ma petite fille." He smiles knowing I didn't know French, "My little girl."

My breathing became harsh. It felt like someone was squeezing my lungs, like a juice box. Running to him I threw my arms around him as he met me halfway. Holding me tightly, he picked me up holding me in hug. He held me like I was a little girl again and in this moment I didn't want anything to change. Because in this moment I got my dad back.

I could hear him sniffling along with me as I cried and blubbered incoherently into his shoulder.

"I missed you dad." I cried.

Nodding as he squeezed me he mumbles, "I missed you so much Princessee."



My head raised up as I said, "Niall."

Standing me back on my feet he nods, "What's wrong?"

"I've been gone to long he'll know something is wrong." Looking at back on the ground where Maz body laid I looked back at him as I says, "He doesn't know."

Dad nods as he says, "I'll have this cleared up."

"But how?"

"Sweetheart," he says as he says, "Don't worry about this. Dad has it covered."


I nod as he pulls out his phone and makes a call.

Watching him talking about a clean-up, stunned me. He talked about it like he was ordering a pizza. It took him all of a couple minutes to give the location, what happened, and what he wanted to be done. It was plain to see that he was a pro at things like this.

Hanging up the phone, the sprinkling turned into full blown rain as he says, "Let's get you inside."


Niall POV

As the rain increased, we all turned and headed into the warehouse where all the rides originally are stored. As everyone began to pass around towns that they found in the back I looked around.

"Anyone seen Princess?" I asked as I took the outstretched towel that Louis had held out for me.

Everyone, one by one, began to shake their head.

"She's probably dancing in the rain." Laughs Max.

"She does that?" asked Perrie.

Max nods, "Yeah its one of the things she adores to do."

"Yeah well I'm not catching a cold because she of her deciding to dance in the rain. I'm going to get her." Max nods as I turned around to go get her. As I headed for the door Harry asks, "Have you talked to Melly today?"

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now