Wine, Ice Cream, and my Girls.

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Chapter 142

Waking up in bed this morning my head spun. Everything muscle in my body felt heavy and I felt sick. Las night wasn’t my night, with my falling out with Kevin, then my breaking up with Niall, I couldn’t imagine anything getting any more complicated. Off to my side my phone rung and as much as I wanted to break it I rolled over and grabbed it. I had a sick feeling in my stomach that today wasn’t going to be good, that in the tequila from last night wasn’t settling right on my empty stomach. Raising up I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as answer it.

“Hello?” I answer my voice slightly slurred.

“Busy today?”

It took me a moment to register who I was talking to.

“Jay?” I ask.

“The one and only.”

Glancing at the clock that read 10am.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“We need to talk.”


“About your uncle.”

Reaching over to the coffee table I grabbed a water bottle as I take a drink, “Did you find something?”

“Kind of.” He says.


“Have you ever heard of a guy named Vin, a friend of your father?”

I nod, “Yeah, he use to come around when I was little.”

“Do you know how to get in contact with him?”

“No, I haven’t heard from him since my dad died. Why the questions?”

“I think that you need to look him up and pay him a visit.”


“Because he might have answers to some of your questions.”

Pinching the bridge of my nose I say, “I have a week break in a few days. I’ll see if the guys are up for a road trip.”

“No.” says Jay, “You can’t take them.”

“Why not?”

“Mel you knew how your father’s friends were, do you think that they will talk in front of them?”

He had a point.

“Fine, I’ll see what I can do.”

“Alright, and Mel,”


“You need to watch out.”

“Why what did you hear?”

“A friend of mine says that he checked up on you a while ago, your being watched.”

“Being watched, by who? And what friend?”

“My guess is Andy’s guys. Supposedly he wants to keep tabs on you, so if you leave, just know you can’t do the lavish flights and extra that you and the boys are used to. And don’t worry he’s a good guy.”

“So if I leave I have to do back streets, and shitty motels?”


I shrug, “Not a problem.”

“If I hear anything I’ll call.” He says.

“Okay, and thanks a lot Jay.”

“No problem, be safe.”

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now