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Chapter 107

“I. Fucking. Hate. School.” Yelled Harry slowly as he parked next to us.

“Will you calm down, we aren’t starting today.” Says Niall.

“No but we’re picking up our classes and signing shit. It’s like we’re selling our soul, selling our soul to the worst parts of hell for years.” He said as he as he grabs his pulled his shades up over his eyes.

“Drama Queen much?” asked Louis as he and the boys all walked up.

“Can someone tell me again why it’s necessary that we attend college? I mean it’s not like they’re going to send the cops to find us and ask us why we aren’t in school.” Asks Zayn.

“We need an alibi.” Said Max.

“Why?” asked Liam.

“Stop asking so many questions. You’re here and that’s it.” said Niall as he stuck his keys in his pocket.

“You know I actually don’t mind getting back into the UNI. You guys are honestly looking at this whole thing as a form of unwillingly torture.” Said Louis.

“There is another way to look at this?” asked Liam.

“What’s the problem with attending a few bullshit classes a week? I don’t think it’s bad considering the endless amount of horny chicks that are just willing to screw on principal, not to mention all the parties and beer.”

Draping an arm over Louis shoulder Liam smiles as he says, “I knew there was a reason that I kept you around.”

Louis smiled as he pushed Liam off of him. Looking around the parking lot as it flooded with numerous of college students, I felt a little nervous. Wrapping his arm around my waist Niall pulled towards me as I he asks, “You okay?”

I nodded, “It’s just crazy being back.”

“Is it too much?”

I shook my head, “I like school.”

A smiled pulled at the side of Niall’s lip as he said, “I swear I will never understand that.”

I smiled as Jesy said, “So are we going to stand here or are we going to go inside?”

“I guess it’s now or never.” Said Liam.

“I can see it now, the devil gates are opening.” Said Harry.

“Stop being such a bitch, you didn’t complain before so don’t complain now.” Said Max.

Harry shot Max a scowl as we all fell instep with the crowd walking inside the school building.

Niall held onto my hand, while Max and Harry stood at my left, Zayn had his arm wrapped around Perrie’s waist, as Jesy laughed and joked with Liam and Louis. I smiled as I took them all in, my family was all kinds of crazy, but I wouldn’t change them for anything.


“Melissa Fucking Edwards!!!!!!!” was the first thing I heard as the doors swung open. Glancing around a smile plastered on my face as I saw Nicole running up sporting a new ombre brown hair color. Pulling my hand from Niall’s I smiled. Meeting her half way in from where I stood I threw my arms around her neck as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

“I missed you sweetheart!” she cried.

“I missed you too!” I cried into her shoulder.

Through all the bullshit and craziness that surrounded me last year in school, Nicole was someone who kept me slightly sane. She never knew about the craziness that went on behind closed doors and that’s what I loved, she was normal and oblivious to the craziness that the boys and I were involved in.

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now