No Control (Part 2 of 3)

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Jesy yells as soon as we exited out of the car.

Dressed in a Minnie mouse inspired onesie she runs up to me and hugs me, "Why didn't you call me to let me know you were back?"

"Didn't really have time." I smiled, "As soon as Harry and Liam dropped me off I headed into the house just as Niall's mom called. Then you know-" I trailed off blushing.

She smiles as she wraps her arm around me smiling, "Well I for one am glad your back. Now your brother can stop pacing in the middle of the night, wondering if he should call you or not."

"I don't pace." Max says, "I stroll."

Wearing Mickey mouse onesies I smiled as I say, "Mickey mouse huh?"

He groans, "Red picked it out, said it was too cold to do revealing." He smiles at Jesy, "I agreed."

I nod, "Why do you think I opted out and did a onesies." I smiled as I looked down to my minion inspired onesie.

Max nods, "Cute. Niall and you matching?"

I nod, "He got a text from Zayn saying that we should match because he and Perrie are matching."

"He texted us too." Says Jesy.

I nod smiling as I look between Max and Jesy, "How are you?"

"Good. You?" he says looking from me to Niall who was walking up.

I nod, "Good."

He nods as he says, "So I hear that we are not working tonight. We living normal lives?"

"For tonight?" I nod, "Yes."


Walking up Niall says, "Look who I ran into."

Turning around I smiled as I say, "The Teddy bear twins."

Zayn and Perrie smiled as they both walked up.

"Aw you all look cute." Says Perrie.

"Same to you." smiles Jesy.

"Where's Harry, Louis, and Liam?" I asked.

"They said they were on their way?" says Zayn.

I nod as I say, "Although this is supposed to be an sexy pajama party, lets do this."

Wrapping his arm around my waist Niall says, "Princess this on you is sexy."

I shake my head and smile as Jesy walks up linking arms with me as she says, "Let's do this."

I nod as Perrie joined us.

The music from inside blared outside and as soon as we opened the door and stepped inside, it was hard to even hear ourselves think. People all around us were drinking and dancing while girls who were hardly dressed stood off to the side drink and shivering.

"Let's dance!" yells Jesy over the music.

I nod as I look back at Niall, "Dance?"

He nods, "I'll grab us drinks first."

I nod as he plants a quick kiss on my lips before disappearing with the guys. Jesy, Perrie, and I, quickly became comfortable dancing in the crowd, and I loved it. All I wanted was to have girl best friends, and I ended up with sisters, which was even more perfect.


About 2 hours had passed with us all dancing and drinking. The cold finally seeped out of the house in which we all ended up unzipping of onesies, to let a breeze in. I could feel the alcohol flowing in me just as Niall walks up and pulls me to him. Wrapping my arms around his neck I instantly began moving my hips along with his. The way we moved with the music, you would have sworn we were one. It was like everyone disappeared on the floor as we grinded on each other. My need to have him increased as I moved my head so I could kiss him.

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now