2 Weeks

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Hands grabbed me just as Zoe and I fell to the floor.

"Princess!" yelled Niall as he pulls me up. "Let her go!"

Releasing my grip on her I stand and spin towards him, "why is she here?"

"I would've explained if you gave me the chance to." Says Niall.

I shook my head, "Then explain."

"Zoe is on the run and needs an escape."

"Fuck that! Let the hoe get caught. It won't hurt me none." Says Jesy.

I nodded in agreement.

Niall shook his head, "Andy is after her."

I looked at Jesy as I turned back to Niall, "Am I supposed to care?"

"Melon!" snapped Max.

"What? She will do anything to make my life hell. I'm supposed to forget everything that she has done just so she can slept peaceful at night?"

"No," says Niall, "You just have to be bigger."

Looking at him, I wanted to say, "No, I don't want to be bigger. Fuck her and the broom she flew in on." But in the back of my head I could hear my dad telling me that's not how he raised me. I began to have a slight change of heart that was until she spoke.

"Still worried that I can steal him whenever I want?" Zoe flipped her hair off her shoulder, "These insecurities you have towards me, Princess," she mocked, "Needs to chill."

"Fuck you." I say as I looked at Niall, "If you want to play captain save a hoe, go ahead, but I'm not helping."

"Princess," Niall says as I turn away and head back to the room I stayed in when I was here.

Niall POV

"I'll go check on her." Says Max as I put my hand up to stop him.

"No, I'll go." I shake my head as I run a hand down my face and added quietly, "She is my fiancée."

"I thought you were supposed to help me? Not go running to her aid."

"Let's get a few things straight." I say turning towards Zoe, "You will not disrespect her in any way, shape, or form. The moment you do, this agreement ends and I'll hand your arse over to Andy personally with a fucking bow. You're not a kid, and I'm not repeating myself. Do you understand me?"

She rolls her eyes and nods as I turn and say, "Find what you need from her, I'll be back."

The guys nod as I head to the back room.

Opening the door, Mel sat on the edge of the bed starring at her hands as I walk in closing it behind me.

"Princess I,"

"I don't like this." She says, "You listening to her," she shakes her head, "There has to be a catch. Why don't you understand that?"

"I do." I say as I move in front of her.

"Then why are you helping her? What information could she have that is so important for you?"

I looked at her, "I didn't say she was giving me something important."

"With what she did to you, you aren't doing this because your nice."

"Princess, I'm offended." She shoots me a serious look as I say, "Your right. She is giving me something. She's giving me a file."

"What kind of file?"

"One that gives me an idea in the place Andy is building. Its like the one Josh had you in." a blank expression on her face made my heart reach for her.

Although she never talks about it I know that what happened with Josh still hunts her. I'd never tell her right off the back, but there are nights that she tosses and turns in a cold sweat screaming for someone to stop 'them'. I hate when that happens, but every time it does, I swear to myself she will never have to endure that again.

"Why didn't you tell me about your dad?" I asked changing the subject.

"Because the day we got back I wanted a normal day." She says softly.

Looking down I nodded, "Right." Looking back at her I say, "Is that why you came back early?"

She nods, "Harry and Liam didn't want me going to see if the rumors were true myself."


She nods, "I know, he can't still be around. Not after all this time."

I looked at her, whose to know what is what anymore? I thought Zoe was dead and she popped up like a Jack in a box. I noticed that her eyes were beginning to water as I looked at her, "Hey,"

I say tilting her head up to look at me, "I love you. If your father is around we'll find him. Together."

She nods as she brushes a tear away.

"Although you might not like it, Princess I,"

"Have to help her," she cuts me off again, "Let's just hope that what she gave you was actually worth it."

I smiled. No matter what has happened, my girl has a big heart. And that's one of the many things that I love about her.

Raising her hand that she wore the ring on I lifted it up as I smiled and kissed it, "I'll try to have her out within 30 minutes okay?"

She nods, "I'm just going to stay back here and shower. I don't need to see that girl."

I nod, "I'll be quick."

"Okay." She smiles as I stand and kiss her on her forehead.

Walking out the room I looked at her once more, as I smiled and closed the door behind me.

"Alright, let's get started." I say as soon as I walked into the kitchen.



Standing in the bathroom I looked the door as I let the hot water run in the shower. The room began to feel up with steamy as I undressed. Everything about me was sore, my arms, my legs, my wrist, but mostly my head. Pulling off my long sleeve, I flinched at the slight pain.

2 weeks.

Pulling off my pants I tested the water to see if it was warm enough for me to climb in. As I stuck a foot into the shower I stopped as I turned, to make sure the door was locked. I didn't want Niall walking in, at least not right now.

2 weeks.

Stepping into the water I sighed as my eyes closed and I stood letting the warmth of the water ease the pain.

2 weeks.

2 weeks kept repeating in my head, with every move I made and every time I looked down running my fingers over the red indents in my wrist. I began to instantly feel sleepy the longer I stood in the water. I could slowly feel the medicine that had been injected into me before I was let out of the van slowly working its way to my veins. I could vaguely remember me screaming as soon as I seen Maz at the door of the warehouse. The moment I seen him, I knew that Andy had sent him to deliver a message, a message that said I had 2 weeks.

2 weeks to find the chips and give it over.

2 weeks to tell him what he needed to know about my father

Or 2 weeks to give myself willingly to him in order to save the lives, of Max, Niall's, Harry's and everyone else I love.

2 weeks.

A time period that could be here in the blink of an eye.

I wasn't ready for 2 weeks, and if I was smart I would tell Niall that Maz showed up, but knowing Niall that would end up with him getting killed for going after him, and I rather Niall be alive then dead.

I had so much to think of and no time to do so.

Do I give myself up to let Andy do his testing that he wants on me? Or do I let Niall go in gun blazing in which it could go in or favor or we could fail terribly?

2 Weeks

2 Weeks

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now