Last First Kiss (Long)

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Chapter 150

Niall POV

Waking up my hangover was slightly more durable than it was the day before. Rolling on my back I stared at the ceiling, images from the night before kept rushing through my head. The drunken make out session with random girls, the body shots, the numerous amount of bottle I drank. Running my hands down my face, I got a nasty taste in my mouth. What the hell was I doing? This isn’t me. Well it is, it was the me before I committed myself to Mel. I groaned. My head felt like shit. Rolling to my side I grabbed two aspirins that laid on the nightstand and down the bottle of water next to it. I couldn’t remember how I got cleaned up, nor could I remember how I got into the bed. Harry must be pissed if he had to do this.

Sitting up in the bed I rubbed my eyes as I stared at the bottle of jack by my now broken flat screen.Had Mel really drive me to drink this much? I sat there trying to think why did I even go out? Looking back at the bottle of Jack I remembered that I had gone through our pictures together and how bad I wanted her here with me. It started off with one shot, then two. 6 shots later and I was still staring at my hands trying to remember how it felt to hold her. It had been a week, since she skipped town, and even though it was just 7 days, those 7 days felt like 7 years. 

When we spilt back before school ended, I didn’t worry so much, because I knew where she was. But being as I had no clue where she was, and better yet had no idea why Bricks was with her. It just pissed me off more and I didn’t want to feel anything.

Standing up I walked to the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. It was a little after 5p.m and considering I slept the day away I figured it was time to get up. I had a strange feeling that Mel had been here, but I’ve had so many days lately where I would go to sleep thinking she was here and wake up seeing she wasn’t. So after I cleaned up I headed into the kitchen in need of coffee. I had walked through the hall into the living room where I looked over to the couch. I couldn’t believe what I saw.

There laying under the couch throw blanket, laid my girl, my angel, sound asleep. I rubbed my eyes thinking that I was dreaming, but as I opened them again she was still there. Walking over to the table I sat in front of her, taking in her presence, god she looked amazing when she slept. A piece of hair fell across her face. She looked perfect. I sat here watching her for a minute. Pushing the hair that fell in her face back, a faint smile came onto her lips as she squirms in her spot. I wish I knew where my phone was so I could capture this moment and save it forever, because I knew once she woke up, the moment wouldn’t be the same anymore.



Rolling back in forth on the couch I could feel myself wake up. Starring at the tv I looked at the clock and saw that it read a little after 5. Had I really slept the day away? I guess I was really tired considering the fact that I was on a flat, soft, none moving surface. Sitting up I heard the water running in the kitchen as I turned around to see Niall standing there with no shirt on.

“Evening.” He says as he stands at the sink.

“Evening?” I say as I sit up pushing my hair out of my face, “How do you feel?” I asked as I yawned and stretched as I stood and walked to the counter.

“Better.” He says, “How long have you been here?”

“Since about 8 or 9.”

He nods, “Harry called you?”

I shook my head, “I was at Max’s when he told me about your lately benders. So I figured I’d swing by and check on you. I sent Harry home to get some sleep considering he looked at a human raccoon.”  

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now