He.... Killed..... (Aftermath)

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Chapter 103

Niall POV

“What do you mean he’s dead?” asked Max.

“I saw his body in a pool of blood, he is gone.” I say as I pour myself a shot of whiskey.

“Are you sure?” asked Harry.

I nod, “Yeah I’m positive.”

“Why was he even there?” asked Louis.

“I don’t know.” I say,

“Guess will have to wait till Mel feels like talking.” Says Zayn as he and Max throw back shots.

“What I want to know is, what in the fuck actually happened?” asked Liam.

I shrugged as I tossed the shot back. Mel didn’t talk the whole drive back to NY. Even though Harry insisted on staying in Louisiana to find out what happened, Mel refused to stay fearing that Matthew would come after her next. I’ve seen her shaken up before, but nothing like this. If Matthew was smart he would have decided to leave right after his outraged scaring that he gave Mel, but seeing as we didn’t know his end game or motive we couldn’t let our guards down. Tossing back another shot I shake my head as I looked at the closed door, down the hallway and say, “I have no clue.”


Mel Pov

Stepping under the shower head I let the dirt and the blood slide off of me. I couldn’t believe Simon was dead and it was because of me. Simon was indeed a massive dick with him having me set up and all the pain and hurt he caused just because he wanted a chip that I’ve never seen before. I could be cold and say that Simon had what was coming to him but I can’t. He was my Uncle and as much as I hated him, he was still family, poor excuse for a family member but he was still blood, which meant that I couldn’t possibly ever wish death upon another person, especially not that cold and heartless. I was expecting to be either kidnapped again if not that then ‘roughed up’ or threatened. I was expecting that if I got away that I would tell Niall that Matthew was really Andy, but none of that happened. Looking down in the shower I watched as the blood, dirt, and soap swirl together in a mess as it traveled down the drain, causing Andy’s voice to try back in my head. My body ached and I could hardly feel anything. Sliding down to the ground, with what happened replying over for what seemed like that millionth time.


5 hours before

“No!” I cried as Andy raises his gun and fires a straight shot into one of Simon’s guards.

“Oh Gumdrop don’t act like you actually care. You didn’t even know him.” says Andy.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” yells Simon as he uncrosses his arms pushing off of the wall.

“You know damn well she doesn’t answer when we’re nice so why not get bloody.” Says Andy as he checks his clip, checking his bullets, “So are you going to answer my question now?”

“What do you want from me?” I cried.

“Everything, Gumdrop, I want you to tell me everything about your father’s jobs?”

“I don’t know what my father did. I’m just hardly putting the pieces together myself.”

“What have you found out so far?”

“That my dad was into illegal shit. He did jobs, but I don’t know what kind.”

Raising his gun in a quick motion Andy fired three times at the guard that was holding my right arm. I screamed as bloody splattered on the side of my face. The guard let go of my arm slowly as he dropped to the ground with a huge thump.

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