Father and The Fiancé

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The next 15 minutes was sat in awkward silence.

I was sitting in the front seat of my Dad's truck.

My dad.

The man who I thought died of Cancer when I was 10.

The same man, who I found out didn't die of cancer 2 years ago, but was actually killed.

That same man in which I found out made my life into a crazy whirl spin.

My father.

"How's school going?" he asked as he turned off the highway and onto the main street.

I smirked, "Really? You're going to ask me about school?" Pushing my wet hair behind my ear I say, "I would've suspected you to ask me about how in the hell I have been staying alive? Or start off by telling me what in the heck is going on." Looking at him I say, "Or at least telling me where you have been for all of these years."

He turns to look at me with his brow raised and all of a sudden I felt like I was in the wrong.

"Sorry." I say as I away from him and back for a brief moment.

He shakes his head and smiles, "You're sarcastic like I was when I was growing up." shaking his head he says, "You're sarcastic and your brother is protective, and you both have tempers."

"All of your traits?"

He nods, "You got your mother's looks and her ability to not deal with bullshit."

"For a second I thought you were going to say her sense of direction."

"Your mother never had a sense of direction. She did what she wanted, when she felt and dealt with the bullshit and hell afterwards." He looks at me, "Like you."

I rolled my eyes as I looked out the window. We were literally a minute from the warehouse when Dad says, "Have you talked to her yet?"

I shook my head, "Don't want to hear her lies."

Sighing he says, "Melissa."

"She gave us up. How in the heck do you expect me to talk her?"

Lights flashed behind us as we pulled into the driveway. I turned to him ready to hear his, "Give your mother a chance." Speech, but was surprised when he cut off the car and opened the door.

"Maxwell," he calls as he steps out the car.

Cutting off his car as he parks next to us Max opens his door and says, "Yes, sir."

"Take your sister inside for me." he turns to look at me as my door opens and he says looking at who I assumed was Niall who was behind me as he says, "We need to talk."


Niall POV

"We need to talk."

Is something that you never want to hear. Whether it's from your girl, and especially from the parents of said girl. That phrase along only means business, and bullshit.

Nodding as David looks at me as I take Mel hand helping her out the car, "No problem."

He nods as he closes his door.

"Niall," Mel whispers.

"You didn't tell him about us being engaged have you?" I quickly whisper.

She shakes her head, "No, I didn't. I thought you might want to live for our wedding."

I smiled, "Hell yeah I want to live for our wedding."

She smiles as she looks through the car window, "Did you set this up."

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now