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I woke a few hours later, to me lying in the bed alone. Rolling onto my back I looked up at the ceiling as I raised my hand to run it through my hair when my finger got caught. Pulling it from my hair I looked at my hand, at my ring.

My engagement ring.

"I'm really engaged." I whispered to myself.

I knew that Niall had said before that he wanted us to settle down, in an actual house before, but I never knew that he was thinking about marriage. That topic crossed my mind, of course, but his? I didn't think it had.

Different questions ran through my head as I sat up in bed.

What was I going to say if people asked? We were young, and engaged which now or days isn't really shocking, but still.

When was it going to happened? Here, in LA? In his hometown of Ireland, or were we going to skip the whole show and fly our immediate group to Vegas and party/gamble all night?

What would Alex think when she found out?

What does Max think?

"Max." I whisper as I look up to door. Swinging my legs out of bed I slipped on a pair of my fur boots that I had left here, grabbing a hoodie as I walked out the room and towards the front. Everything was quiet besides the humming of the monitors. As I walked towards the front I heard a glass hit the counter as if someone was sitting it down. Heading towards the kitchen in the back, a kitchen that was hardly ever stocked I smiled as I looked to see Max standing there.

"Afternoon." I say as I walked in.

Looking at me surprised, as if he didn't hear me walk up he smiles, "Hey Melon."

Holding his glass up to me he says, "Protein shake?"

I shake my head, "You know I hate those."

Drinking some from his glass he says, "No, I vaguely remember you like one that I added cookies to it."

"That was a milkshake." I smile.

"Protein powder was added to it though."

"But I didn't taste it so its considered a milkshake."

He nods, "Niall left with Louis and Liam, Harry."

"With Harry?" I asked confused.

He nods, "Yeah surprised the shit out of me when I saw him standing next to the door."

"How is he?"

"He says the painkillers are working, and that he doesn't like staying in bed longer then needed. Now he can't do heavy moving shit, but he can walks around and keep up with us. As long as he takes minor breaks." Max shakes his head, "I still advised him against it, but you know Harry."

I nod, "He doesn't do anything us he wants to." I shake my head, "You all are so stubborn you know that right?"

He nods, "I know, that's why you fit so well with us."

I smile as I walk beside him and sit on the counter, "I thought you picked up the girls."

He nods, "I did, but she said something about an assignment and the library. She left about 30 minutes ago."

I nod.

Looking at me he says, "You not going to ask where he went?"

I shook my head, "He'll be back, or call."

He nods, "True."

Silence passed over us for a second as we both say, "Look I-"

Stopping Max says, "You go."

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now