18 (Part 3 of 3)

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Liam was the first one next to me as he pulls out his phone, "I'm calling!"

Tears stream down my face as I keep my eyes on Harry. His breathing was harsh as he raises his hand to cover mine.

"Melly." He says in a low voice.

I shake my head, "Don't strain yourself, okay? Liam is calling for an ambulance."

"No," he says, "If I get put in a database, my prints are going to show up."

"Right now that doesn't matter."

"It does!" he says as he coughs, "Take me to the warehouse."

I shake my head, "No, you're going to a hospital."

"Melly I said no!" he snaps as he looks up at me, "It missed my lungs, I'll be fine. Just please," he says sighing, "Take me-" he starts to drift off as I shake him. Blinking wildly he says, "to the warehouse."

"Done." Says Liam as he hangs up the phone and quickly stands, spinning so fast on his heels I thought he was going to twist his ankle. "Niall I need you to drive. Can we take your truck?"

Niall nods as he turns and runs to Katy.

"Max can you drive our car?" asked Liam.

He nods as he takes the keys from Liam, "Zayn, take my keys and take the girls to Alex's."

"Why there?" asked Zayn as he takes the keys.

"Because she has a security there and right now I don't want them at the warehouse. I'll call and let her know your own your way."

Zayn nods as he takes off in the direction that the car was parked in. Niall pulled up, seconds later as he hops out the car.

"Get him in." he says as Liam leans down to grab Harry.

"Mel," Liam says, "He'll be fine. I promise."

Looking down at his shirt that I had balled up in a tight grip in my hand I nod as I released it. Picking Harry up in one swift and careful movement, Liam gets Harry to stand as he leans against him.

"Princess," Niall says to me as I sat starring at Liam walk/carry Harry away, "Princess." He calls again but I couldn't bring myself to answer.

Niall went to take a step towards me as Max shakes his head, "I got her. You take care of him."

Niall looks from me to Max as he nods, "I'll meet you there."

Max nods as he lays a heavy hand on my shoulder.

Tears continued to fall down my cheek. I watched them as Liam and Niall loaded Harry into the car, and I watched as Niall shuts the door, looking back at me for a second before he hops into the driver seat and speeds off.

"Melon." Max says as he leans in front of me.

"He's going to be okay right?" I asked my voice thick, "Right?" I asked as I finally looked up from starring in the direction Niall left in.

"Melon," Max says softer as he kneels down in front of me wrapping his arms around me.

Collapsing in his arms I cried, and cried, "He has to be alright, Maxwell, he has to. He's Harry. He's Harry."

I kept repeating that over and over. Not knowing what else to really do Max just held me to him as he continued to assure me that Harry would be fine. That he is a fighter. If anyone can pull through anything it's him.

As much as he said it, a part of me still had doubt, What if I never saw him again?


Max took his time driving back to the warehouse. It was his way of letting me catch my breath before walking into whatever was waiting for us. To keep my mind off of Harry he talked about childhood memories, about stupid things we've done and yet I couldn't take my mind off of Harry. Max called Alex who agreed to take the girls in. She demanded that she know what happened, but Max hung up on her just as she started asking questions.

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now