A Beautiful Destruction (Long)

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(Read the note at the bottom Please and thanks!)

Chapter 108

It’s the third week of school, which meant that it was time for things to settle down and for the rumors to start up. With the spot light belonging to… Me.

“3 weeks, 3 weeks! We’ve been here for three weeks. Why is everyone staring at me like I stole something.” I asked as I walked out of my business class.

“What do you mean?” asked Jesy.

“Everyone is staring at me. At first I thought I was seeing things, then I thought I had something on my clothes, but none of that was the case.”

“Any clue what’s up?” she asked as we walked out of the building heading to the cafeteria.

I shook my head, “Nicole texted me and said that she thinks it’s because of Niall.”

“What about him?”

Adjusting my books in my arms I say, “She says she overheard girls in her calculus class saying that they thought Niall was back on the market, and that she corrected then and told them that he was with me they got pissed.”

“You’re kidding right? Weren’t you two together last year?”

I nodded, “Yeah kind of, it’s complicated.”

“How complicated?” she asked.

“Let’s just say, we were on and off and argued a lot.”

“Don’t you do that now?”

“Yeah,” I opened the door to the cafeteria, “But then when he would get pissed he would go messing around with other girls since we weren’t ‘official’.”

“So the things I heard about him being a massive player.....”

I smiled and nodded, “Are all true.”


I laughed as I patted her on the shoulder, “Everything.”

“Damn and you put up with that?”

I shrugged, “I love him, what could I say. It was his past so its not that important.”

Jesy smiled, “He’s lucky he has you, I would’ve dropped his horny happy ass.”

I laughed, “The thought did cross my mind.”

We laughed as we walked off to the side. Sitting down at one of the tables off to the side I heard minimal whispers, and few stares as I sat talking to Jesy, but that all changed when books dropped next to me.

“Hey beautiful.” Said Niall as he placed an hand on my shoulder, leaning down as his lips brushed mine.

“Hey.” I smiled as I looked up at him.

He wore a white t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing his tattoo, black joggers, and his sneakers.

“Snapbacks are back?” I smiled tapping his head.

He smiled, “Yeah I have an unlimited stock so I figured why not?” looking over at Jesy he smiles, “Hey Red.” With a wink.

She smiled, “Hey.” Looking around him she says, “Where’s everyone else?”

“Liam and Louis are picking up cars, Zayn and Perrie are still in class, and,” pointing to the line at the end of the café he says, “And Harry and Max are in the line grabbing food. You aren’t hungry?”

“Didn’t feel like standing in line.”

He smiled, “Good thing I don’t stand in lines I cut. What do you want?”

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now