"Going once, Going twice, SOLD too....." (Long)

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Chapter 131


“Mom!” I called as I waked into the house.

Closing the front door as I ate my ice pop I walked down the hall looking for her. Like always, Mom was standing in the kitchen pouring gin into her orange juice, a typical after school routine.

“What?” she answered.

“Has dad made it home yet?” I asked.

“He’s in his study.” She says speech already beginning to slur.

I nodded as I walked past the kitchen into the back of the house. Eating my Melon flavor ice pop which just so happened to be my favorite ice pop in the world made by Max’s mom, my Aunt Kathy, I began searching for my dad. My tenth birthday was coming up in a few weeks and I still hadn’t told him what I wanted to do.

“Dad.” I called as I got to his closed door.

I heard his voice on the other side as I pushed slightly, causing it to open.

“Dad?” I say as I look into the room to see him paces back in for running his hands through his dark hair, making me realize where I picked up the habit of pacing and running my hand through my hair when I had to think about something. I watched in admiration as he paced. I love my dad, I thought to myself, his is the best and I couldn’t possibly ask for anything better.

“Vin, yes.” I heard my dad say, “No I haven’t left yet, I’m planning on leaving in a few days.” He pauses as he listen to the person on the other line, “I understand that you don’t think I should go, but I made a promise to her, I made a promise to her and her son and I plan on keeping that promise.”

He pauses for a moment as he listens to whatever was being said on the phone.  Sighing deeply he says, “Have you talked to her?” another pause, “Did she say that she was going to come?” his shoulders squared and I could tell he was getting upset, “She told me that she was going to come see her daughter! And now she pulling back? Leave it to fucking Alex to screw this up.” Threading his fingers into his hair he says, “I’m fine it’s just, things here are getting more intense. No, mijn dochter is fine, I can’t say much about the other. Kathy has told me that she doesn’t treat my little girl the same way when I’m gone, as she does when I’m here. I told her I wanted a divorce and she went postal, luckily she was with her other half at Kat’s.”

Running his hands over his face he says, “Vin I don’t want them growing up in this life, I don’t want this seeing and having to see what we have seen. That he the whole reason for this meeting, for the showing of this chip, I want this to end, I want to change the direction of this whole business. Simon is behind me, but I can’t say much for you know who.”

Dad shakes his head, “I knew I never should have brought him into this, I knew it should have been just me and Simon from the start. He’ll do anything he can to come after me, you know, I know it, the whole operation knows it.” Walking to his desk I watched him as he pulls something black out of the draw. Holding it in front of him, it reminded me of the weapons the bad guys uses in movies. “But when he comes, I’ll be waiting. I won’t let him hurt my kids.”

Walking further into the room I say, “Daddy?”

Looking up he quickly put the black thing back into the draw as he says something in a language that I couldn’t understand as he adds, “Vin I have to go.”

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now