Stood Up (Part1)

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Chapter 123

Niall POV

“Wake up.”

I hear Mel whisper into my ear softly. Groaning I didn’t move.

“Wake up.” I hear her say again.

I went to act like I was still sleep but stopped, when I noticed that she was straddled on top of me just as I felt her lips below my ear. Kissing me along my ear and down to my neck. I squeezed my shut eyes tightly as I grabbed her hips. Smiling against my neck she continued to plant soft kisses making her way back up my  ear.

“Princess.” I sigh, my voice filled with sleep.

“Morning.” She says as she raises up leveling her face above mine.

“What are you doing? Your mother is downstairs.”

“They can’t hear us.”

I smiled it was crazy saying that line, I mean I’ve said it a few times with random one nighters, but not with Mel, never with Mel. Raising my eyebrow at her I say, “Need me that much?”

“More than you know.”

Smiling I kept an hand on her hip as I moved my other hand, grabbing a fist full of her hair as I lifted my head up a little, connecting our lips. Moaning against my lips her hips moved on mine and I could feel myself getting hard. Running my hand from her hip, up under the shirt she was wearing I ran my hand up and down, admiring how soft her skin felt undermine. Placing her hands on my chest she pushes up and sits up straight as she crosses her arms in front of her, grabbing the hem of her shirt as she pulls it up and over her head. Biting my lip I trailed a hand from her neck down to her chest, as I grip her right breast. Closing her eyes she moans softly as I wrap my arm around her waist holding her in place as I sat up. Crossing her legs behind me I unclip her bra as she pulls it off and tosses it to the side. Kissing her I pull at her bottom lip with my teeth softly as I moved my lips trailing down her neck to her chest. Her hips moved more with mine as she gripped my hair into a fist, pulling my head back as she connects her our lips again, a knock comes at the door.

I stopped as I whisper, “Maybe if we don’t make any noise they’ll go away.”

She nods as I move back up to her neck kissing her, as she holds her head back giving me more access.

Than whoever is at the door starts pounding.

“Go away!” I yell.

“Melissa is needed downstairs.” says Kevin.

“To bad she’s sleep.” I say as Mel giggles and nuzzles her head into my neck.

“I doubt it.” he calls.

“When she wakes up I’ll send her down.”

There was silence and I thought I heard him walking off, when I saw the door knob being turned.

“What the hell?” says Mel as she grabs her shirt from the floor quickly pulling it on. Sitting her next to me I adjust my boxers, as I pull on a pair of my joggers that laid on top of my duffle as she pulls the blanket over herself and says, “He can’t get in its locked.”

“I don’t care.” I say as I unlock the door and throw it open. Pushing Kevin back hard, he slams into the wall as I asked, “Do you have a death wish or something? Because you really are annoying the hell out of me.”

“I told you Melissa is needed.” He says.

“And I told you she was sleep.”

Looking over my shoulder he says, “She doesn’t look like she’s sleep.”

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now