I Got A Job For You

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Happy Friday!! xxTorrie

Chapter 146

"So let me see if I understood you correctly," says Uncle Vin as he downs a shot of whiskey, "A year ago you were studying at your UNI when someone tried to break into your unisex condo?"

I nod, "The one I shared with Niall."

"Right, the one you shared with Niall, in which you found out that he and his friends, and your brother weren't regular students, that they are basically trained assassins sent by people of Davids to protect you?"

I nod.

"And you really made it damn there 20 years before anyone has spotted you?"

I shrug, "I guess so."

Smiling widely he says, "I knew I raised you well."

I looked at Kevin confused, "Wait Uncle Vin did you know that I was a target?"

He nods, "I've known you and Max were a target ever since the dad your father told me that your mother was pregnant."

"Then why not help her? Where in the hell have you been this whole time?" snapped Kevin.

"Kid," Uncle Vin says slowly, "Don't think just because I am in my early 40s that you can raise your voice at me, or question what I do. I've been doing this job way longer than you and trust me, I will have a bullet through your temple way before you even remember that you are carrying a gun in your waistband. Do you understand?"

I looked at Kevin, half expecting him to have a smart remark to say back, but I was surprised when all he did was nod and say, "Yes sir."

I bit the inside of my cheek as I smirked, Niall would have challenged my Uncle head on, without giving a damn about the repercussions. Kevin really was a, 'by the book', killer. Killer I shudder, that word alone still gives me the creeps.

"Mr. Bricks, if you may," my Uncle motioned his hand fanning him away, "Give me and my niece a moment."

Kevin looks at me as I nod. Nodding back he says, "I won't go far Kitten."

"Okay." I say softly as he stands and walks off.

"So tell me Mijn Nichtje, tell me, just exactly how you ended up with," he looks over my shoulder at Kevin and says, "A Rukker, like him."

I smiled as I remember him telling me when I was younger that a 'Rukker' was a way of calling someone a wanker, "Uncle Vin, he is a nice guy and like you said, mom sent him."

"So she made him bring you here?"

I shook my head, "She doesn't know that I'm here."

He raises a brow, "I see you still have your sneaky ways from when you were younger."

I smiled.

"So I know, playing catch up isn't why you came here, so tell me what's up?"

Taking a deep breath I poured him another shot of whiskey as I began giving him highlights about Simon and what I found out about my dad.

About 10 minutes in Uncle Vin shakes his head, "The chip is out there?"

I nod.

"I thought your father destroyed it."

I shook my head, "Apparently he didn't. Do you know anything about it?"

He nods, "Me and your father use to talk about it all the time, he knew that someone was going to come after him for it. He'd probably roll around in his grave if he knew that you were in this life." Shaking his head he says, "That was his biggest thing with raising you and Max, he knew from a young age that Max would be in the life because of all the traits that he seen that was of his own as Max was growing up."

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