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Chapter 160

"Melon?" called Max as he walks into his room.

Sitting on his floor I stared at the box the Uncle Vincent gave me as I shook my head, "There has to be a way to open this."

"If it was that easy, I'm pretty sure Uncle Vincent would have had it opened already." He smiles as he leans against the door frame.

"You're right." I say as I look up at him, "I thought you and Jesy was going for Ice cream."

"We did," he laughs, "3 hours ago."

Looking up at the clock I say, "It's 6 already?"

He nods.

Running my hands through my hair I say, "I seriously don't know where my days have gone anymore. It's either I'm here, I'm at the warehouse, or I'm at the girls place."

"Don't forget with Kevin."

"That was a day, and that was only because Liam ditched me yesterday." I say as I lay onto my stomach as I pull back the carpet pushing in Max's password, as I grab the box and drop it into his floor safe. Locking it back pat the carpet back down perfectly as I sit back up.

Max smiles, "How do you know my password?"

"How do I know that you ordered a Oreo bomb, with extra cherries at the ice cream place?" I say as I raise an eyebrow.

"You know some people might think that it's disturbingly weird how well we know each other."

"But that's what makes us, us." I smile and shrug, "Plus I've picked up that you've my birthday for the safes around the places we've been in."

"I should probably change that up now since you know."

I shake my head, "Won't help, I know you too well." Scratching the top of my head, "Speaking of birthday's, are we going to celebrate are birthdays on the same day this year or what?"

He shrugs, "Doesn't matter to me, especially since I celebrated earlier this year."

"Right, the ol fake birthday." I shake my head.

"Hey it's was Dad and Aunt Kathy's idea not mine.

I nod, "Yeah, but considering that we know, or more or less that I know that we're twins, we should do something together, something different from the whole dinner routine we do."

"You want to do something big?"

I shrug, "Why not? I think it'll be fun."

Crossing his arms he says, "Guess we have some planning to do, huh."

I nod.

"You know it's been 4 days now." He says.

I nod again as I stand, "4 days since Niall ran out of the Halloween ball." Walking to the door I pat Max on his chest as I say, "Fun memories right?"

"You know why he left."

"Because his mom called right?"

Max nods, "She got a letter or warning and Niall left that night."

Walking to the living room I say, "I know, it just sucks you know. He goes through the whole trouble of pulling you guys on stage and then give that whole forgive me speech, then he just dips out, without a 'We'll finish this when I get back' text or call."

"He asked about you, though. That should mean something."

"It does." I say as I sit on the couch pulling my legs under me.

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now