Wake Up.

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'LANA WAKE UP' I heard my mother scream from downstairs. The sun peeked out of my floral curtains blinding my eyes. I looked to my right at my alarm clock. how the hell was it 6:30?! Sliding back down into my duvet I calmly grabbed my ipod putting both ears in blasting paramores 'thats what you get'.

I wasn't going to school and my mom knew that,I'd only skip class or hide out at starbucks all day. The thought of school made me nauseous. Couples eating each others faces in the corridors,girls thinking its acceptable to walk around half naked and getting sweaty in gym class. What a pleasant environment.

'LANA DELGADO I WILL NOT TELL YOU AGAIN..GET UP' I heard from my mom again storming up the stairs,her footsteps getting louder and heavier each second. I decided to sing..LOUD switching the track on my ipod to ariana grande's-the way belting out the lyrics blocking out her screeching voice hoping she'd just leave me be. Oh boy was I wrong.

Within a second she bursted through the door wearing her usual black pencil skirt,suit jacket,blouse and heels. She was a lawyer and got her job through moving here to Atlanta. 'WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING AT?' she yelled at me full of anger and rage. I peered back blankly holding back my laughter because she had never been so persistent to get me out of the house.

'I'm just hanging out. arent you going to be late?' I replied with a smirk plasted across my face. I knew how to get a reaction out of her.'YOU HAVE SCHOOL LANA' 'and you know perfectly well that I hate it!" I persisted sharply. 'I've had enough with your nonsense ,billy is already dressed..GET UP' she responded back myself covering my duvet even higher over my head blocking her horrible voice out.

I lay pressing the earphones back into my ears snuggling down until I heard her tug the duvet away from me,pull my ipod out of my earphones and pull me up by the wrist with the tightest grip 'get off me!' I screamed while she pulled me in the direction of my en suite.

'YOU YOUNG LADY GET IN THE SHOWER,IM DRIVING YOU PERSONALLY TO SCHOOL' she said moving right into my face plastered in red lipstick and fake lashes. 'No. im not going anywhere. And just a suggestion..next time you wanna get all up in my face..take a breath mint' I replied staring into her hazel eyes. She let go of my grip looking at me in total disgust. 'You've got ten minutes' and with that she walked towards my bedroom door closing

it behind her.

I entered the bathroom gazing at my reflection. My brunette hair had become a haystack.. my eyes still appeared smudged from the eyeliner I was too tired to wash off yesterday,plus the bags underneath it while my pj shorts and top hung loosely off me. I looked a mess. Me and my mother may have had our disagreements but one thing she was right on was me needing a shower.

I stripped off and climbed in taking in the hot water, carefully washing myself all over,using this new mint and coconut body wash then moved onto my hair applying a sweet smelling matching set of shampoo and conditioner. As I got out it was 7:15 according to my clock therefore it was time to choose an outfit. Opening up my wardrobe I found a pair of leggings,my Hollister hoodie paired with my converse and wrapped by hair into a loose bun avoiding my make up draw as I simply wasnt in the mood.

Leaving my 'cave' as my little brother would say I rushed downstairs into the kitchen grabbing some fruit loops and milk sitting on the kitchen unit. Just as I tucked in billy entered. ew. 'why are you eating my cereal?' 'Why are you alive?' I said in response hoping he'd bug off. Mom then entered catching my last sentence.

'Lana stop being such a bully and get into the car'.I grabbed the keys for her car to unlock and wait for her. 'I'll be waiting in the car'' I replied irritated and frustrate pushing past my brother as I walked out.

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