My mom

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Tapping away on the edge of the steering wheel I gazed at liam's eyes focused on the road ahead. With david guetta blaring from the radio I sighed loudly in hope to gain liam's attention. Facing towards me he smiled and then spoke as I leaned back in the passengers seat. 'You ok?' he asked frowning slightly. 'Yeah. I just miss driving that's all'. With a look of confusion he stared back. Clearing my throat I sat up and explained the situation.

'I drove my car into my teachers backyard last year. She was uptight,annoying and threatened to call up a clinic to take me to rehab.' Liam's eyes widened in shock. 'So your car got damaged?' I rolled my eyes at the stupidity of his question. 'Yup. And my license was stopped. Still is' I murmured awkwardly my thoughts drifting back to my time at home.

'Badass' liam said giving me a sense of approval. I nodded back slipping my shades back down as the wind blew through my hair.

Shortly after liam announced we were approaching his home. Looking around my mouth gaped open as we passed home after home from the early twentieth century,villas and country home's with lavish building structures stretching out for miles, with plantings and mature live oaks draped with Spanish moss along the driveways.

Let's just say it made my home look like a homeless shelter. Liam seemed amused by my reaction as he chuckled to himself. The car came to a halt suddenly my eyes focused on the house infront of us, white with a wide flowery garden out front, a balcony at the top and two gleaming maybach landaulets parked in the driveway

'Sweet Car' I said my eyes fixed on it in a trance. 'Yeah. My mom and dad got them customized with pure gold license plates.' My cheeks flushed in embarrassment. I hadn't dreamed his family would be so wealthy and myself..well.. just an ordinary girl. My stomach churned and I began to feel uncomfortable lowering my head.

Liam evidently noticed and stroked my arm. 'What's up?' he asked lifting my head up. 'I just don't think they'll be expecting somebody like me. They'll be expecting w a fake barbie strutting in with jimmy choos and a chihuahua' I said feeling disheartened and doubtful. Liam held my hand and then spoke. 'They won't be dissapointed. Lana you are beautiful and so different from those other girls in a good way. Be you and I promise they will love you'

I took a deep breath. Maybe he was right. Letting go of his hand I whispered 'Thank you' pulling him into a hug. I then peered in his car mirror pulling my hair out of my pony tail letting it loose down to my back. Liam smirked at me as I brushed my hair. 'What?' 'Nothing. Wear your hair like that more often'. I raised my eyebrows. 'Um..No' I replied bluntly.

He then tickled my waist making me wriggle uncontrollablly. 'Liammmmmm' I whined annoyed at his action. He stopped to my relief but then grabbed me so I was lying on top of him. 'This is innapropriate' I whispered. He winked in response running his hands through my hair.

I felt our heartbeats touch and I kissed him on the lips slightly. He then kissed me back rougher and more intensely. I moved back. 'Liam..your parents are waiting' He shrugged his shoulders kissing my neck. I gave in once again and felt his abs through under his shirt. 'Abs of steel' I said laughing.

I then kissed him on his lips again. We stopped in a freeze frame as his car window had been knocked on. Rising up I caught sight of a woman in a cream dress and heels looking bewildered. I turned to liam who bit his lip. 'Who is it?' I asked nervously my cheeks burning. 'My mom' liam said,the word 'mom' making me want to fly to tokyo and never come back.

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