I can't sleep

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Halfway down the beach there was a souvenir shop. Despite not having any loose change on me I decided to go in to find a potential gift for Lexi. Walking through I examined various key chain's with the island on it and sea shells,stuffed toys of dolphins and fish. Ugly. It would be the ideal place if lexi was FIVE maybe. I sighed in frustration.

The old man at the counter stared at me suspiciously. Could I not just look around without buying anything? Making my way to the back of the shop I dropped a whole row of postcards awkwardly picking them up in a huge pile. 'Wow..Good Job Lana.' I stood up in response turning around. 'Becky?!'.She stood confidently with a smile on her face.

'Excuse me?' I said barging past her. Rushing out of the store I was alarmed by a beeping sound by the door. 'Excuse me. Hand it over.' I looked back at the shop assistant. 'What? I didn't take anything you old bat.' I said angrily. The assistant grabbed my arm pulling a key chain out of my pocket. 'Explain this then Mrs'. I said nothing. Peering around the shop I realized that Becky was nowhere to be seen.

She stiched me up.

The assistant called my dad requesting him to collect me. He came 10 minutes later walking towards the shop. 'I can't believe you lana' We walked back in silence.

Arriving back home Billy stood at the doorway. 'Thief' he scowled poking me as I walked past. I didn't bother responding. 'Dinner is on the table lana' I took the plate grabbing it taking it up to my room.

Lying on my bed I checked my phone. I had a short hour nap awaking at 11:00. The house seemed empty and I wanted a glass of milk. Creeping down I opened the fridge in the kitchen getting a carton out. Dad walked in sitting at the table. 'I can't sleep.'

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