Forget it.

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I was awoken by a gentle shake,the light from the curtains burning my eyes. Rubbing my eyes I looked up to see dad stroking my hair moving it away from my eyes. Next to me billy was stil sleeping myself straightening my body on the sofa gently.

'Morning Lana' dad said as he knelt down to my level. I managed to croak a 'Hello' then getting up walking straight past him. The reality hit me that he didn't bother to come back last night. 'Why were you sleeping downstairs?'

I ignored him making a hot chocolate in the kitchen for myself and billy. As I stirred in the milk I glanced up looking him up and down. He was wearing a shirt and jeans. 'Billy was scared of the thunder' I explained quietly. Dad chuckled in response. 'And you actually cared for his well being?!' I glared at him irritantly. He clearly hadn't received the voicemails I sent him last night.

Sighing I entered back into the sitting room dad following while I placed the mugs on the coffee table. 'Forget it. Your voicemails will explain everything.' He peered confused. 'What?' 'Billy I made you hot chocolate' I whispered kissing him on the forehead. He woke in a daze yawning and reaching for the mug.

'So nice of you to return' I said codly walking up the stairs to my room. 'Liam insisted we got a motel last night. We were late coming back.' 'So this was all him?..' The front door swung open liam entering gleaming sickingly. He looked at me then dad. I frowned at his arrival himself saying 'Smile sweetie pie' I felt a lump of sick come up in my mouth.

'I'll smile whenever I feel it's appropriate and that is not right now. What made you think it was ok to not come back last night? My dad is a FATHER and has responsibilities' I ranted clenching my fists. Liam stared back. 'Let him live.'

'Cant you just go and hang with your real family or something?!' I bellowed. He stepped foward dad pulling me back. 'I remotely remember you not caring about him two weeks ago' 'People change' 'Clearly not you'

I went back into the living room,grabbed my mug standing back in the hallway. 'I made you something' I said as holding the cup throwing it all over his tank top. Dad grabbed me by the wrist,liam in complete shock. I let go of dad's grip running upstairs halfway there looking at dad. 'Like I said check your voicemails'

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