Let's Dance.

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Applying a final coat of lipgloss I stood infront of the mirror. The make up artist ariel had done a fantastic job using expensive foundation,mascara,eyeliner and fake lashes. My brunette hair had been curled reaching down to my back with a white flower, while jewellery remained simple with diamond earings and a bracelet to match. She had told me to keep it which was extremely kind of her.

My outfit looked great. A strapped knee length white dress which delicately stuck out at the bottom with a bow at the back paired with gladiator sandals. Heels were not needed as I would be on a sandy beach. 'HE'S HERE' I heard billy yell from downstairs.

Popping a mint into my mouth I grabbed my clutch taking a deep breath. This was it. Spraying a last bit of perfume I closed my bedroom door behind me hesitantly walking down the stairs clutching onto the banister for support.

As I reached the bottom I caught sight of dad smiling and then liam moving his hands about nervously wearing a suit and tie. He looked perfect. His natural tan glowing,his hazel eyes and brown hair ruffled. He opened his mouth in shock gazing at me.

I leaped foward giving him a hug,holding him tightly. 'You look amazing' Blushing I looked back. 'So do you' I laughed poking him in the ribs. Dad stepped foward grasping my hand. 'You look beautiful' 'Thanks' Kissing me on the cheek dad twirled me around.

'Cya later dad' I said opening the front door. Liam did a handshake with my dad following me out the door. 'Thanks for the flowers' I said as we left the porch. 'It's fine honestly' 'When did we start being so nice to each other? he asked curiously. Laughing I responded with 'I have no idea'

Awkwardly walking to the end of the beach I broke the silence. 'How far down is it?' '10 minutes?' 'Your hand looks lonely' 'What?' I said. He smirked grabbing my hand swinging it up and down. 'That's better' I rolled my eyes but didn't let go holding his hand tight. It felt warm.

Arriving I saw a heap of teenagers huddled under a giant gazebo sipping drinks and dancing, fairy lights draped around. 'Cool' 'Lets get a drink.' liam yelled from over the music dragging me as I tried to get away. 'Relax' he whispered squeezing my hand.

Getting a coke I waited for liam feeling self concious as I gained evil stares from girls surrounding the area. 'Everybody's staring at me' Liam frowned looking ahead. 'You look hot so they are probably jealous. Chill' I laughed uncomfortably grasping his hand again.

We were stopped in our tracks as two guys with suits chatted to liam. 'Is that your girlfriend?' I heard one of them say. 'Nope' I interrupted. Tugging him away I began to dance as the music blared himself dancing with me. We looked like idiots but I didn't care. 'THIS IS MY JAM' I yelled shaking my hips to blurred lines. 'You are crazy'

We danced for a while, myself still getting glares from other girls. 'I think we should go' 'Why?' he asked appearing slightly confused. 'I dont know' Everybody began to slow dance around us to christina perri's 'a thousand years' while we stood awkwardly. 'Let's dance' he whispered sofly.

He pulled me back close to him putting his hand on my waist while I wrapped my arms around his neck moving in sync with the music. I stared into his eyes longingly singing along to the lyrics. This was one of my favourite songs. I decided to sing it.

'Everyday I have died waiting for you' Liam. sang back whispering into my ear. 'Darling don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years' I sung again. 'I've loved you for a thousand years' We were in a trance almost as if we were the only people on the beach.

'You have a good voice' I chuckled leaning my head onto his shoulder. 'You make me feel all warm' he responded smiling back at me.

He spun me around and I fell back into his arms. He held back onto my waist brushing my hair away from face. I suddenly had the urge to kiss him until I felt a tap on my shoulder. 'Lana?'

Turning around my smile vanished. It was becky.

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