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Entering the home I looked around. The living room was large with a flat screen television,a coffee table with ornaments on it and a bookcase in the corner. Just an average sitting room with black sofas and a fireplace.

The radio was on full blast in the kitchen as I heard 'call me maybe' and loud giggles and laughter. 'Lana..come on in!' my dad yelled excitingly. Walking through I saw himself and Billy banging pots and pans mimicking Carly Rae's voice. I cringed in embarassment. 'We're gonna make burgers! Wanna join. Need a female to help out' dad said smiling at me. How lame I thought..but didn't say. 'Um. I'm a vegetarian.' I mumbled biting my lip. 'Liar.' billy muttered under his breath. I gave him a warning look. 'Oh.' dad said in response. 'If you want to unpack your room is on the left upstairs.' 'Thanks.' I said quietly dashing upstairs.

My room was ok. It was white with a brown dresser and wardrobe. My bed duvet was floral and on the wall was a photograph of myself and dad when I was 5 years old. I smiled suprisingly. He had been so thoughtful. My stomach rumbled as I collapsed onto the bed checking my iphone. It was 7pm.

I needed to get out. Grabbing my bag and purse I ran back downstairs. 'Um I'm gonna grab some food somewhere.' I said popping my head around the kitchen door. Dad was frying the burgers while Billy was making a salad. Oh god it smelled so good. But no way would I be having dinner with them. 'You know your way around?' dad said curiously while flipping the burgers. I had to think fast. Of course I didn't no my way around. 'Yeah. Did some research before I came down.' feeling guilt but relief at the same time. Luckily Billy was too engrossed in chopping cucumber to listen to my string of lies.

'Be back by 10 lana' dad said as I was halfway out the door 'Yeah' I said slamming the door behind me. 10? Was I five or something? Walking away from the driveway I headed to the beach which was pratically 5 minutes away. It was cold and cloudy. Making my way down I saw a group of kids running around,old couples walking hand in hand. I found a rock and sat on it removing my converse and putting my feet in the water kicking my feet childishly.

I loved the beach. There was something therapeutic and calming about it. I still had questions to why my mom sent me here. My dad wouldn't have been able to do anything for me. What made my mom think he could? Ok so he was nice but hardly a dad..more like a stranger. We knew nothing about each other and I wanted it to stay that way. I also didnt know why they divorced but was one thing I needed to find out in these five weeks. I sat engrossed in my thoughts for an hour in total. Thinking about lexi. I missed her so much. Grabbing my phone out my pocket I decided to compose a text. No Service. Great.

From the distance I saw flashing lights and rollercoasters whizzing around in the air. I could hear the sound of 'Party in the Usa' and the smell of hotdogs and candyfloss. It was a fayre. I got up,put my converse on and decided to walk down. As I got closer I saw bumper cars,stalls and teenagers like myself swarmed around the area. This all brought back memories from my childhood.. with dad. He would always take me to a fayre whenever I was feeling down or exteremly upset. Pushing past a bunch of teens I saw a stall where I had to throw three ping pongs into glasses for a giant elmo. I walked over eager to try my luck.

'DO YOU WANT A GOO?!' a male with long hair asked leaning against the counter. I stared longinly at elmo hanging from the counter. I wanted it so bad. 'Sure! I replied beaming rushing over. 'How much?' I said digging into my purse. '2 dollars' And with that I was given the 3 golf balls to have my attempts. The first ball fell onto the edge bouncing off. The next completely missed. I was loosing hope. 'Aim. Take your time'

Picking up the last golf ball I aimed squinting taking a step back. With all my force and energy I threw the ball it falling into the glass perfectly! 'I WON!!' I screamed. 'I WONNN' and with that grabbed Elmo.

Jumping around like a lunatic I around catching the eye of someone in a white shirt and jeans.

His eyes looked in mine smiling. I laughed while he gave me a thumbs up. I failed to catch what he was saying over the noise. I awkwardly said 'WHAT?' while he responded with a look of confusion. I sighed deciding to walk foward still making eye contact with him at the ice cream truck. As I avoided what was ahead of me I bumped into someone who was holding a slush puppie and red slush fell all down my front.

'OH MY GOSH' I yelled with cold slush falling down my top ruining the top half of me. 'I AM SO SORRY.' I DIDN'T SEE YOU.' she said panicking. She tried to dry it with napkins. 'DON'T TOUCH IT!' I yelled. 'JUST' Our eyes met and we immediately bursted into laughter. Peering ahead over becky's shoulder the guy who had caught my eye had vanished...completely. My heart dropped.

'Hi I'm Lana' I said pleasantly. ' I'm Becky. Want a hotdog on me?!' I was relieved. I was so hungry. My response was far from a suprise. 'WHY NOT?!'

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