'Me too'

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Week 3 of staying at Tybee Island had began. I hadn't seen liam since our bonding time on the tree which I admit made me almost nervous and apprehensive. No calls or texts to Dad. Nothing. Maybe he got grounded for speaking out towards his dad or found another girl to hang with. My thoughts were going around like a whirlwind.

'Lana?' I snapped out of my daze coming back down to reality looking up at my dad waving a menu infront of me. 'What are you gonna order?' I grabbed it from his hand smiling uncomfortably. 'Oh. One sec'

We had gone out for dinner at a steak house as a family. Dad had suggested it and I would have been crazy to decline. Scrolling down the list I picked out my favorite 'Medium to done Steak,Onion rings..fries and a milkshake and a ranch salad'

He glared back at me. 'Is that it?' He was being so sarcastic. Throwing the menu at him he blocked it. Billy laughed myself giving him a high five across the table. 'So you two ganging up on me now?' 'Yes' I said with billy in unison.

Tucking into my steak I ate in silence, Billy and Dad talking about science fiction. 'But yes aliens could take over the world' dad said with a mouthful of fries in his mouth. 'Your quiet' I looked over. 'I'm fine. Just thinking. Thats all' 'About liam?' He was so accurate.

'NO" I bellowed. He took my hand 'Alright. Calm down' I composed myself. 'Sorry' Slurping my milkshake I got my phone out. 'Can we take a picture for memories?' Dad brightened up. 'Sure. Shall we get someone to take it?'

'Nope. Let's do it the modern way with my front camera.' Moving around to dad and billy I held my phone out with the front getting in between billy and dad adjusting my hair. 'Cheese' I yelled taking some shots. 'Ok now we gotta act silly' myself twisting my face kissing dad on the cheek while billy stuck his tongue out.

'Beautiful' I said moving back into my seat. 'So were those selfies we just took?' I rolled my eyes. 'Yes dad. That's what we call it now'

Pulling back up onto our driveway we jammed to queen dad blasting 'Don't Stop Me Now'. Turning off the radio we jumped out of the car myself tapping dad. 'Thanks for the dinner. Beats your cooking' 'Haha good sense of humor.' I stuck my tongue out playfully running upstairs.

Today I had worn shorts and a top, desperate to take up them off as they clung to my body. Removing my top and shorts I threw them on the floor. In the reflection of the bedroom mirror I peered at my figure. I wasn't the slimmest neither the fatest. Oh and my boobs in my new bra looked fab too

Grabbing pj's from my drawers I heard a rustle,my heart beating loud and fast. 'Who's there?!' Nobody responded. Walking to my window I looked out. No one. A loud thud was heard as someone jumped out of my wardrobe.

I screamed loud shaking as I grabbed my pillow hitting a figure in a black hood in the stomach. 'GET OUT' The figure groaned in pain. 'OW. Lana stop!' I paused mid flow dropping the pillow. The voice was increasingly familiar.

Pulling the hoodie down Liam was revealed. Poking him in the chest I went insane. 'What the hell. You made me jump out of my skin. Only you could be capable of this because..' I stopped as he looked me up and down smirking.

'Ugh are you even listening?' 'I just havent seen you so unclothed' 'Get out.. you CREEP' 'I actually came to ask you something.' I crossed my arms. 'You have a minute' 'There's a dance on the beach this week. Was wondering if you would be my date?'

I froze in shock. 'Ummm.' I was bubbling inside with happiness. I had never been to a dance let alone been asked. 'YES.' I yelled pulling him into a hug tugging him so hard we fell to the floor. We laughed hysterically at our clumsiness.

Liam got up kneeling over me as I still lay on the floor,his eyes travelling to my wrist. 'You still have it on your the wrist. The 'stay beautiful' thing?' Embarrassed I nodded. 'I try not to wash it off' 'Me too' he said showing me his.

I stared into his eyes in trance. He helped me up,my face to his level. Leaning in he touched my cheek softly. I leaned closer almost feeling his breath.

The door knocked. 'Lana are you ok?' Getting up I put my dressing gown around me signalling liam to exit via my window. 'Yes. Just fell' Opening the window liam climbed out as I whispered 'Thank you' watching him leave.

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