Sitting in the car with mom was super awkward. I'd never really just sat with her in silence. We'd either be arguing or...arguing. As I saw the heap of traffic building up ahead I sighed. 'Lana I really cant go any faster' my mom said glaring at me from the corner of my eye. 'I know' I responded. 'Would have just preferred to catch the bus..thats all'.
As we finally pulled up to Frederick Douglas High my heart dropped. I didnt like school and school didnt like me. I must have suddenly froze as my mom said 'Are you not gonna get out?'. I responded with a nod,climbed out of the vechicle swinging my bag behind me. I hadnt been back for a month. Rumours flying,backstabbing. I only had one friend and her name was Lexi.
Just as I headed to the entrance somebody tapped me from behind. It was Chase. 'Hey. Where the hell have you been?!' . I looked him up and down. He was wearing his sports gear for soccer practice. 'Just busy..I guess.' 'What for..a MONTH?!' he responded with all smiles,I laughed uncomfortably. Chase and I were never friends before last month. He despised my guts...until I kissed him at a party. But he wouldn't stop talking to me ever since. Before he could catch another breath amber his girlfriend interrupted.
'HEY BABE' she screamed pulling him into a tight hug. 'Ha..wait.. why are you talking to mrs I ruin relationships?!' Amber spat glaring at me full of pity. 'Hey..LISTEN.' I hated her so much. Her blonde hair sickened me..her make up was trashy... 'I dont have time for you right now' she said walking away hand in hand with chase. As I walked through the corridor my iphone buzzed. It was lexi.
Peering down at my phone I read Lexi's text message-'I'm in English. Where are you LOOSER?!' I responded with 'I'm coming. Just need a smoke'. I checked the message had been delivered then locked my phone screen. Walking back out the school entrance I pulled out my lighter and cigarette. Yes smoking was horrible..killed you and made you have yellow teeth and fingernails.
But it was my way of forgetting about headaches like Amber and Chase. Amber always overeacted and couldnt forget the past. Why couldn't she understand that I didnt sleep with Chase? Finishing up my cigarette I threw it on the ground and headed back inside.
My hand began to fill with sweat as I turned the door knob. Entering I looked around the class. Mrs Everitt was at the interactive whiteboard explaining something about Shakespeare while my peers looked half dead. 'Mrs Delgado can I help you?' With a assertive tone I replied 'I have class here.' Everybody suddenly had there eyes on me putting me on edge. 'Well take a seat. Its been a long time lana'.
I fumbled my way around the class dodging in and out of rows. There were frequent whisper and laughs from behind. God I hated this. Walking faster I tripped over a desk. It was Chase's. I smiled and apologized,his arms pulling me back up.
I felt Ambers eyes burning into mine. Lexi signalled to the empty seat next to her where I slid into hugging her tight. 'I've missed you!' she exclaimed. 'Everybody's.acting like I died.. I've just been skipping class' I whispered. Lexi looked at me in annoyance. 'Yes I know but..' Mrs Everitt had stopped her debate with a student and said 'I'll be back in 5. Lexi explain to Lana what she has missed'.
A buzz of chatter began within my class. Before I could speak to Lexi once again Amber stood up. She was wearing high waisted shorts,converse and a crop top. 'Its a shame you came back' she said loudly. 'NO ONE MISSED YOU'. My fists clenched. 'I didnt come back by choice.' I replied. 'Its Chase isnt it?' 'You cant stay away..he doesnt want YOU.You Slept with him!' I laughed loudly. 'Are you delusional.. or are your hair extentions too tight?' 'Umm what?' she said. 'Why do you feel the need to lie and gossip?! This is ridiculous and I'm sick and tired of playing games with you'. Amber laughed sickingly in response. 'I'm sick of you playing games with my boyfriend...'
Her smug attitude and last sentence was the final straw. I did what I had to getting out of my seat and walking up to her tackling her to the floor by grabbing her by the hair. As we both ended up on the floor I threw punches,her equally yanking my hair tugging at me. My peers started to gather around in a circle around us. 'YOU BITCH!' Amber yelled as she tried to attempt scratch my face. I grabbed hold of her wrists refraining her from laying another finger on me. 'LET GO OF ME.' 'LANA STOP!' Lexi cried. People were recording it,laughing..some in total shock. I continued to throw punches as she scratched my neck with her false nails.
Cheers came to a halt as the door swung open. Mrs Everitt was back.. Amber and myself froze on the floor. What a great first day back.

Tybee Island
Ficção AdolescenteLana Delgado is a 17 year old girl who has a broken relationship with her mother and brother billy. Her grades are below average and her attitude stinks. In order for her to change her ways a five week trip is planned by her mother to visit her estr...