Don't talk to her like that.

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Straightening my maxi dress strap I got out of the car smiling uncomfortably at liam's mom. Liam followed slamming the car door behind him putting his shades back on moving towards me. 'So nice to see you on time' liam's mom said sarcastically as her eyes moved to my direction.

Her gaze felt uncomfortable as I focused on a tree in the distance to avoid eye contact. 'Oh I'm sorry. Didn't know we were running by a schedule' liam retorted back sharply. I stepped in to avoid further confrontation. 'Hi. I'm Lana.' I said putting my arm out for her to shake it. She subtly rejected it smiling sweetly at me. 'Nice to meet you. Welcome to the Jackson household'

Following her to the front door liam pulled me by the arm out of her sight. 'Do you think she saw us?' he whispered. I glanced back biting my lip. 'Well.. maybe?' Our conversation was cut short as liam's mom looked back. 'So what were you guys doing in the car?'

I froze. 'My earing fell and liam was looking for it with me' I murmured. She seemed unconvinced and said nothing raising her eyebrows. Entering the home liam slapped me on the ass jokingly myself shoving him playfully. 'What?' he said with a smirk plastered across his face.

Walking through the front door I gazed around at the white marbel flooring,the black spiral staircase that lead to the second floor and the grand chandelier that hung. To the left was an office with a blaring fireplace and plasma with a library.

'This is my husbands office' she announced pointing towards it. 'Oh and call me jennette'. Progressing further I discovered a games room and pantry and finally the dining room. The table stretched to the end of the room,with edwardian paintings hung and a selection of trophies.

'This is beautiful' I said finding a seat at the table. 'I know. We're lucky to live here and I'm glad you like it' she replied smiling brightly. Maybe she wasn't that bad I thought straightening my cutlery. Liam sat next to me with his beanie and sunglasses still on.

'It's manners to take off hats at the table?' liam's mom said in a frustrated tone. Liam tested her limits by resting his supras on the table.. 'Liam..' I said giving him a warning look. 

A confident tall man in a navy suit strolled into the dining room sweetly kissing liam's mom on the cheek. It was his dad I realized spotting the resemblance through their similar facial features. I smiled standing up to greet him shaking his hand. 'Hi lana.' he said,his eyes moving to liam giving a quick nod.

Dinner was crab romanoff which was a crab dish with rice,sour cream and seasonings. I was hesitant to try it as at home I usually ended up stuffing my face with mcdonald's or a home cooked pasta bake. Digging into my plate I peered across to liam who was moving around his fork in circles.

Liam's dad spoke clearing his throat. 'You new to this area of Atlanta? he asked as I played with a strand of my hair. 'Yes. But i'm moving back with my mom soon'. He looked back in confusion. 'Why?' So now I was going to have to tell him about being kicked out for my bad behavior. Great. 'Me and my mom didn't really get on.'

Jenette sat foward involving herself in the conversation. 'What do you mean by that?' she said suddenly her eyes burning into mine. 'I can't explain?' 'But..' Liam cut off his mother. 'This isn't 21 questions.' he spat taking us all back in suprise.

I picked my fork back up and continued eating. 'Whats up with you!' I whispered angrily at liam who was evidently being a complete dick. He looked back and said nothing. 'Career prospects?' liam's dad asked to lighten the mood.

'Umm. Nothing is final yet. I might attend a local arts college as I play the piano.' Jenette and liam's dad paused and laughed in unison. I frowned in confusion as I had failed to see humor in the conversation. 'Well. I've passed about 2 classes this semester.' They glanced back at me as if I had killed somebody.

'Well... it looks like liam has found himself an interesting..girl' liam's dad said patting his mouth with a napkin. 'Excuse me?'. 'Liam will be taking over the family buisness. We are so proud of him.' jenette gushed as liam peered blankly.

'Are you sure that's what he wants?' I said bravely questioning her statement as I knew it wasn't that he truthfully wanted as memories flooded back to our talk on the tree.  I then spoke again. 'Because he got accepted to a university course that you wouldn't let him take.' Jenette seemed suprised by my challenge towards her. 'You know nothing about our family.' 'And neither does your husband questioning my career choices.'

Liam's dad clenched his fist and I turned to him my voice becoming louder and more intense. 'Have you ever thought liam doesn't want to follow the same path as you?!.' He pushed the seat away from him, standing up banging the table with his fists. 'DON'T YOU DARE INTERFERE IN OUR FAMILY AND THE DECISIONS WE MAKE. YOU ARE NOTHING TO US I CAN ASSURE YOU.'

A lump formed in my throat and my eyes began to water.  He was right. Maybe I was just some random chick who had nothing to do with their family.  I got up and began to walk out but liam pulled me by the wrist standing up. 'Don't talk to her like that. And she's right. My life. My decision. You've both got so caught up in the money that you've forgotten that i'm your son and have feelings. This girl right here has made my summer so far and I guess you guys didn't realize that'

I blushed. His mom and dad both sat in a freeze frame unsure of what to do. 'And you guys wonder why I'm hardly ever at home.' His dad had his hands in his face while his mother sympathetically walked towards him putting her hand on his shoulder.  Liam shook her hand off pulling his hand into mine and stormed out pulling me along. I didn't look back but as I stared into liam's eyes I saw tears stream down his face,something I never thought I'd see.

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