Can I go home?

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I stood in the mirror squinting at my reflection. My neck had long red scratches all over it while my lip was busted with a layer of dry blood over it. My fists were a little swollen but at least they did there job. I was upstairs. Mom hadn't said a word since I got home which I admit kind of scared me. No eye contact..nothing. So I just ran upstairs changing into my sweatpants and elmo hoodie.

My phone had not stopped buzzing all day. Tweets,being tagged in the fight on Facebook and texts from Lexi. I unlocked it dialing Lexi's number. 'How bad was it?' she said nervously on the other end of the phone. 'Well..i got suspended for a few weeks' I said in response casually. 'Oh. Well Chase was looking for you after the fight. Think he broke up with Amber' 'What?.' 'Yes. He was so angry with her about what she said and...' 'LANA GET DOWN HERE FOR DINNER.' my mom screeched.

'Ugh I gotta go Lexi. Moms calling me and god knows what will happen if I ignore her.' Lexi sighed and quietly said 'Bye. Good luck boo' and with that I ended the call. With one last look in the mirror I rearranged my hair from the bun to a high ponytail.

Rushing down the stairs I entered the dining room. Mom was sat next to billy of course sipping her wine while billy was getting pasta sauce all over his top. Laughing I said 'The food goes in your mouth idiot.' 'Lana..not now' my mom piped in hushing billy.

I took my seat picking up the fork digging into the pasta bake and salad giving billy dirty looks from across the table as he pulled retarded faces at me. Mom caught my eye slamming down her fork.

'This is ridiculous lana. I've been waiting for countless apologies for todays events and NOTHING. DO YOU NOT FEEL ANY REMORSE.' 'I'm suspended..NOTHING can be done to stop it and I will NOT apologize for something I DIDN'T DO.' I retorted back my eyes widening. Billy piped in again smiling. 'But there's video evidence!' he said playing the video from his phone.

My blood was boiling,hands filling with sweat. I leaped out of my seat grabbing the phone from him yelling 'TURN IT OFF YOU PRICK.' grabbing his arms to try and turn the footage off.

Mom grabbed both of us holding onto our wrists. She gazed into my eyes almost heartbroken 'I'VE HAD ENOUGH.' Her voice then lowered. 'Lana..your grades are beow average..this is your SECOND suspension and Billy why cant you be civil with your sister?' There was a moment of silence.

The tears in moms eyes were evident. She let go of our wrists. 'Get packing the both of you..your going to stay with your father.' My body stiffened. I didnt feel like I had a Dad. It was always mom. The last time I saw him was 5 years ago before he divorced my mom. 'NO.' I bellowed.

Mom looked back in suprise. 'You have no choice Lana. You need this right now.' I shook my head in disgust tears beggining to build up in my eyes. Before anything else could be said I ran up to my room tears streaming down my face closing the door behind me.

I didn't sleep all night. I was tossing and turning falling in and out of bed. I guess it was because I was feeling like an emotional wreck. 'Can I borrow your phone charger?!' billy asked as he bursted through my bedroom door WITHOUT knocking. 'NO GET OUT' I yelled throwing my pink fluffy pillow at the door. To my suprise he left without saying a word.

I was packing for my dads. Today was the day I'd reunite with him after five years. I didn't know what to do or feel as I'd been spending a whole hour packing then unpacking. My suitcase consisted of shorts,tops,sunglasses,hoodies and dresses. YES dresses.

I was treating this punishment as a holiday regardless of how much it wasn't. Checking my phone I scrolled through my messages with Lexi replying to her text from last night about my dad-'Will text you later. Packing and still in disbelief this is happening.'

'Lana,we're ready!' I heard my mom call from downstairs. With a sigh I grabbed my phone,ipod and suitcase dragging it down the stairs. Mom and Billy were already in the car. I was still pissed with my mom and wasn't going to be afraid to show it. Putting my seatbelt on and ipod full blast to avoid conversation I drifted into a small sleep.

An hour later I awoke peering curiously at the car window. 'Where are we even going?' I said sleepily staring at the back of my moms head. 'Tybee Island?' There was further silence because I had no idea where that was. 'Chatham Country dumbass' billy interrupted while being engrossed in his portable game. 'I didn't ask you.' I scowled.

The remainder of the journey flew by with my ipod playlist consisting of demi lovato,frank ocean and drake. I felt a tap on my arm. 'We're here lana' my mom said softly. I unbuckled my seatbelt and looked around. We were parked in a driveway.

To the left I saw a beach and to the right a house. Voices were heard outside which lead to me realize I was the only one in the car. 'DAD' I heard from billy,peering to see him jumping into his arms. Laughter was heard then something that was an indicator for me to get out of the car. The male voice said 'Where's Lana?'

I jumped out of the car fixing my Forever 21 top and shorts. 'Hey lana!' my dad said gleaming. He looked so different then I had remembered. He was wearing khaki shorts,a checkered shirt and flip flops. Someone call the fashion police. His hair was brunette like my own short and neat and his face glowed. I stood uncomfortably near the car. 'Come and say hi lana..' my mom said irritantly. 'Hi.' He smiled at me and grabbed my suitcase but I stopped him. 'It's fine I'll take it.' I said sternly. 'Alrightie. Well I'll let you say goodbye to your mother.'

Watching him walk inside I turned to my mom. 'Can I just go home?' 'No' she replied. 'This trip will change you I promise.' Bye mom' billy said hugging her tightly. ' I stared into the distance. Mom's gaze switched to mine. 'Goodbye lana. See you in five weeks'

As Billy ran inside I watched Mom climb into the car and drive away. I didn't wave or smile. Just stood still. I wasnt going to get much out of these five weeks. Well at least I thought ...

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