Chapter One - That Guilty Feeling

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Okay first of all, thank you so much for actually choosing to open this book! I really hope you enjoy this journey and if you know me, I have written a few fanfictions :) If not, welcome! :) I really hope you enjoy this one, please press that little star and I'd appreciate it also if you leave a comment! Thanks :)


Astrid's POV

Slowly opening up my eyes, I felt something was different. Was it the mattress? Was it the covers?

Turning to my left, my eyes drooped and I remembered.

One side of the bed was absent. It felt lighter and the sheets weren't as crumpled as before. A certain love of my life was missing.

My husband.

Just a few days ago, I had received news that my husband had passed away. My ten year old son, Sam, had no idea that his Father was, now, never going to return home. He thought he was running an errand in America and he wasn't. All that came out of my mouth were lies. Lies and lies and I felt guilty about keeping it from him.

Pulling my knees into my chest, I laid my head onto them, tears forming in my eyes. The one thing I knew I couldn't deal with, was the loneliness.

As I closed my eyes, memories found themselves in and out of my mind, until I felt someone tug at the sheets.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Rushing to wipe my tears, Sam crawled up to me, leaning his head on my legs.

"I'm... I..." I wrapped my arm around Sam, pulling him into me tightly. "I'm fine... Just... hay fever." See? That was another lie that exited my mouth.

"Okay Mommy." He pecked me on my cheek, gazing at the ceiling and I straightened out my legs. "Mommy?"

"Yes?" I shuffled his hair.

"When's Daddy coming home?" There was a moment of silence and I felt a lump grow in my throat.

"He's... He'll... He'll be home soon..." My voice shivered and I knew I was still lying. I knew sooner or later, I would break.

Sniffing, I got out of bed, holding Sam's hand.

"Sammy, remember, no messing around it's a school day." My inner 'mother' slowly emerged. I still had a duty of care, didn't I?

"Okay, Mommy! I want... Coco Pops!" I smirked, grabbing tightly onto his hands as I walked him into his room, laying his clothes onto his bed. Crouching down, I played with his shirt, staring at his black, curly hair. Just like his Father's.

"Now... I... I want you to go ahead and get ready."

"On my own?" Sam groaned.

"Yes Sam! On your own. But... if you need help, just call me... and I'll come." I dusted his shirt. "Okay?"

"Okay Mommy!" He threw his arms around my neck, whispering into my ear. "The ride is never over Mommy." My mouth drooped. It was something that he had always told me and Sam. Those words, I'd hold onto.

Emotion began to overwhelm me, so I pulled myself away from Sam, my hands automatically covering my face. I stood in the doorway, rubbing my neck. Tears once again formed in my eyes and suddenly Sam jumped out from behind me, confused.

"Mommy?" I spoke in a quiet voice.

"Go and get changed Sam... I'll make breakfast..." Dragging my legs down the stairs, I pulled open the first cupboard in front of me, beginning to make some cereal for Sam. As I made my way over to the table, I rubbed the seat in front of me, remembering those days I'd sit on his lap and he'd go on and on about the 'ride' he had.

But, not anymore. Not now.

"I'm ready!" Sam squealed, running to the chair and he swung his legs back and forth.

"You sure?" I smirked, Sam moaning.

"Yes, I am!" Placing the bowl in front of him, I sat down into the opposite chair, playing with the cloth.

"Now, Sam... I'll do my best to pick you up after school... If I'm late just wait, I promise I'll come." I knew Sam wasn't listening, but I would have rather said it.

"Okay Mommy." He stuffed a large spoonful of cereal into his mouth and swallowed happily. Easing up, I suddenly felt sick. It has been going for about a week now and I couldn't really figure it out. It's why every morning I wake up and my feast upon my pale face.

"Right..." I swallowed hard. "I better go and get ready. Be down in a bit honey, Mommy needs to get changed. Don't move." I glared at him, Sam sticking out his tongue and I sarcastically gasped. We both giggled as I made my way upstairs.

After around ten minutes, I stared at my puffy eyes in the mirror, reflecting on how stressful the last few days had been. Sighing, I ran down the stairs, Sam already holding onto his backpack with a huge grin on his face. Good, old Sam.

"Let's go then!" Sam ran towards my hand which I held out and he grabbed it. Before we left, I grabbed my cream trench coat and folded it on my arm. I locked the door and threw my things into the back seat of the car, Sam jumping in the front.

I started the engine and made sure that Sam buckled up because even I knew he was too young to be in that seat. As we drove, I remembered my husband sat where I was, laughing away. I pondered on him smiling at me and cheekily leaning over to kiss me.

"Mommy?" A voice broke through and I looked left for a moment, my eyes watery.

"Yes..." I cleared my throat and widened my eyes, trying to dry out my tears. "Yes dear?"

"Can you drop me inside today?" I frowned, but I didn't want to say no.

"Of course dear... I'll drop you." He smiled.

"Thanks Mommy." My tears hadn't dried out, instead slowly, they trailed down my cheek and I knew Sam had noticed, but he didn't seem to bring it up.

Finally, we stopped outside school, Sam running out of the car and I quickly grabbed him.

"Careful! Sam!"

"I want to say hello to my friends Mom!" Sam squealed and I smiled.

"Wait, I'll take you inside." He clutched onto my hand and we both strolled inside. In the hallway, I looked around, Sam tugging at my hand and we stopped. "What is it Sammy?" He pointed right at the room next to us.

"I'm in here Mom!" Sam dragged me into the room, my eyes wandering on a shadow I couldn't quite make out. As we got closer I finally saw that it was a man.

He gave me a wide simper and I didn't speak, instead I couldn't stop staring. He was tall, 6'2'' to be exact and his hair was a wavy dark blonde which sat on top of a face with a pair of green and blue eyes. I didn't know he was British, until he opened that mouth of his.

"Good morning. I am Mr Hiddleston. I'm new here and I'll be... teaching your son."

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