Epilogue - The Way It Is

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--- A couple of days earlier, outside the clinic --

Tom's POV

"Everything allright?" Astrid asked me. She knew something was wrong.

"I got a job offer." I finally blurted out, but felt bad about the whole situation.

"That's great." I lean back, still anxious.

"... It's in New York." I bow my head.

"Oh." I knew it, I shouldn't have said anything. Our relationship would be ruined.

"I'm not-" Astrid interrupts.

"Take it." I frowns. "It'll be good for you. Great to earn some money and live a better life than here, in London." I ponder on the though, lifting my head.

"I... I don't know."

"You don't have many people you know here." Would she miss me?

I got up.

"I have-" I pause and gazed at Astrid.

"Yeah, you're right..." I sat back down.

"Sam would miss you. He'd miss Loki." Chuckling, Astrid smiles slightly.

"I know... we'll see I guess." I return a smile and get up once again. "I am guessing we'll see each other tomorrow?" Astrid nods.

"Yes... tomorrow Tom." I turn around and narrow my eyes at Sam.

"Sammy!" He rushes up to me, with a big smile on his face. "I'm off. Loki has work to do." Sam groans.

"Stay Hiddles, please." I shake my head.

"I'll see you tomorrow in class buddy." I glance at Astrid. "Take care of your Mum." Astrid smiled and rubbed her bump. "See ya."

Walking away from them both, I had made my way to the car park and pulled out my car keys.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I unlocked my car and someone had knocked their shoulder against mine.

"Excuse you."

Unknown's POV

"S-sorry mate." I pulled my hood down. The man smiled.

He looked good for my girl.

"It's allright." He scans me. "Sleeping rough?" I chuckle.

"You could say that." Fiddling with my auburn tight curls, I held out my hand. "Chris." He gladly shook it.

"Tom." We both smiled at each other and he played with his keys as I looked behind me.

He was looking at them.

"Trouble in paradise?" Tom lifted an eyebrow.

"Hm?" I looked back for a moment, but didn't want to face them. It would be too risky. "Oh, no, no, I don't..."

"She looks good for you." He smirks.

"You really think?" I nod.

"Yep. Sam and Astrid are... amazing." I freeze.

"Wait, how do you-"

"I heard your conversation."

"Oh, right." He slowly nodded. "Well, I feel like she doesn't love me... So, I'm not sure if I should-"

"Don't take the job if you love her mate."

"Why's that?"

"Women are complicated. If she loved you, she'll never admit it until you do." I repeated the same advice my friend had given me. "Tell her. Let her know what she'll miss out on." Tom's smile grew.

"Yeah... Well... Maybe..." He reached for his wallet and slipped out a fiver. "Thank you." I stepped back and shook my head.

"N-no, it's fine. The advice was free." He began to laugh.

"Well, you'll need it and then I'll say I told you so." A pain shot me in my heart and I groaned. "You allright?" I grimace and nod.

"What sleeping rough does to you." Lie. All I did was lie. "See you around maybe." Tom smiled.

"Maybe." I watch him step in his car and start his engine.

That was me once.

Me with the woman I loved but couldn't admit it. I wish I'd have changed it.

But, my time is nearly up...

-- 9 Weeks Later, New York --

Astrid's POV

"Would you stop crying Christopher!" I groan and pat my baby's back. "Please..." I bit my bottom lip and hear the door close, followed by Tom's voice.

"Let me guess? He won't stop crying?" Tom smiled and I turned around.

"No, he won't." Tom put down his bag and reached his hands out.

"Give him 'ere." I hand him to him and fold my arms.

"He'll never-" I watch Tom pat Chris and his crying quietened.

"Hiddleston magic." He whispered. I chuckled and gave out a sign, Tom rubbing my shoulder while balancing Chris in his hands. "You okay?" I smile.

"Yeah, just Chris giving me an interesting time."

"Perks of being a Mother." Tom chuckles and I gasp.

"That's my line." I shove Tom and he laughs, as does Christopher. "Oh my God."

"Did he just?"

"Yes!" We both squeal and Sam wraps his arms around my legs.

"Hey Mommy." I shuffle Sam's hair.

"Hey sweetheart, how was school?" He shrugs.

"Meh, was okay." He darts his view up to Chris. "How's baby?"

"He's fine."

"Can I play with him Mommy?" I look at Tom, who steps back.

"I want him. Get your own." Sam attempts to grab Tom by his legs. "No, no!" Tom and Sam giggle.

"Gimme, gimme!" They both giggled louder and I chuckle.

"Stop! Give him here." I take Chris from Tom's hands and place him on the sofa. "Now you can both play with him." I pat Tom's shoulder and Sam instantly parks himself never to his little brother.

I walk to the window and admire the veiw. Then, I feel Tom's hands on my shoulder and he pecked my cheek.

"Alright?" I nod.

"Mhm." He plants a light kiss on my neck and then wraps his arms around me.

"I love you, you know that?" I turn my head to the right and meet with his face.

"I love you too."

(Next chapter is my thank yous and other notes :))

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