Chapter Four - Those Sad Hazelnut Eyes

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Tom's POV

I took a small sip of my juice and felt someone tug my suit jacket. My first reaction was to look in front of me, but no one was there. Instead, I made the right choice and looked down, nearly choking on my juice.

"Hello Sir!" I coughed and spluttered, Sam tapping my back lightly, even though it had the smallest effect.

"Thanks." I said, my voice wheezy. Sam gave me a small simper and I also smiled, ruffling his hair.

"Sammy!" I heard a woman call. She rushed up to us, grabbing hold of Sam. "Oh, hello." It was Mrs Williams. Her hair was slightly rougher than the last time I saw her.

"Hi." I said in a polite tone, touching my tie. Sam looked up at his Mother like a lost puppy.

"Mommy... Can't we stay with Mr Hiddleston?" Her mouth drooped and she gazed at Sam, a hint of sadness lurking in her eyes.

I knew why.

"Please Mommy?" He pleaded again, this time Mrs Williams had stared at me. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and crouched down to Sam.

"Sam, we have to go home..." She fiddled with his coat. I dropped my eyes to look at them properly. I saw Sam tightly fold his arms like a moody child, which must have been what he was at the moment.

"Mom... It's not fair... Daddy's not here, why can't we have fun with another man?" She simpered at Sam, then at me.

"Daddy... He..." Her voice shook. Oh dear, it shook. It pained her. "He..." I intervened, just as it was going to get worse.

My mind took control over the moment, and I rushed towards Sam, kneeling to his height.

"Look Sammy..." He focused on me, Mrs Williams sighing. "How about... I drop you home?"

"We came in a car." His Mother said firmly.

Out of the blue, a woman's legs were in my view, but not Mrs William's. My eyes followed up the figure, to her thighs, her stomach, then, her face.

"Hi..." The woman said in a flirty tone. I gulped hard, laughing awkwardly. Oh God. God help me.

"Sarah!" Sam's Mother quietly whispered in an angry tone. I straightened myself and heard their whispers. "What are you doing?!"

"Sucking up to Mr Hot Face. Why?"

"Stop it Sarah, I mean it." She gave me a grin, grabbing Sam's hand.

"I... We must go." She combed her own fingers through her own hair.

"Oh come on Astrid..." Astrid, was that her name? Gosh, it sounded amazing. Suited her. "I'll..." Sarah reached for Sam's hand. "... walk Sam to the car and you two can catch up." I glanced at Astrid and she dropped her head. Sarah had grabbed hold of Sam and skipped out, Astrid and I left to follow.

"Well..." My cheeks began to flush in embarrassment, so I stuffed my hands into my pockets, thinking rummaging around in them would help. "This is..."

"Yes..." She bit her lip and turned to face me. "Shall we, actually walk to the car?" I opened my mouth, hesitating.

"Y-yes, we s-should. Yes." I gave her smile, both of us making our way to the door. Not in silence however. For the first time, she had spoken without grief or anger. Her tone was relatively normal, her eyes, on the other hand, were... sad. Those eyes which sadness lurked within. I knew she was trying to be brave.

"Look..." She let out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry, about... my friend, Sarah. She... thinks... never..." I closed one eye.

"We should..." I cleared my throat. "... 'get acquainted?'" She paused.

"Well... Yes..." Both me and Astrid chuckled, but hers soon died out. "Look... I'm sorry about..." I let out a frown. "Yesterday. It was... not a good day, so..."

"No, I... totally understand. It's fine really, Astrid." She lifted an eyebrow. "Sorry, Mrs Williams."

"No. No. Astrid is fine..." She looked down for a moment, fiddling with her fingers. "Astrid is fine... probably didn't introduce myself properly earlier, I..." I simpered, tapping her back ever so lightly. I was trying to be kind.

Finally we had caught up with Sarah and Sam... Up to no good.

Both of them giggled as they edged away from the front tyre of Astrid's car.

"Sam...?" Astrid questioned suspiciously. "Sam?" She said with anger in her tone.

Astrid rushed towards the front tyre, kneeling down and she dropped her head.

They did, didn't they?

"Sam..." She gritted her teeth. Sam, the cheeky lad, pointed at Sarah.

"It was Aunty Sarah's idea!" Sarah gasped and smirked at me.

"Why don't you.. grab lift with Mr Hiddleston over there?" I frowned. "I'm sure it's no problem?"

"Right, yeh, yeh, it's..." I curtsied. "... a pleasure."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Sarah."

"Sure, it is. I'll... replace the tyre. Drop it off." She moved towards Astrid. "Keys please." She let out an aggravated sigh and pressed the keys into her hand.

I guess... 'accidents' happen, right?

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