Chapter Twenty Two - Avoid Eye Contact

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Tom's POV


I don't know what to feel...

My head is throbbing and I have a bitter taste in my mouth.

Moving my tongue around my mouth, I remember myself drinking at Astrid's house.

Reading to Sam - I'm smiling.

But then that quickly disappears, since, I remember kissing Astrid.

Uh oh.



On her lips.

Not in her cheeks.

Her... lips.

And then I walked away, well done Tom!

I groan as I slid my fingers through my hair, rubbing my head.

Then I grasp a cup and fill it with some water. Popping a tablet in my mouth, I gulp it down, along with the rest of the water - which I need right now.

I then bow my head over the sink.

What was I thinking?!

I... admit, I love her.

But I didn't want her to experience the truth that way.

Smooching her head on was... stupid of me.

I slid my hands down my face and cleared my throat.

"New day, new... start." I whispered to myself. I kept whispering it to myself.

A few moments later, I clutched my car keys.

Walking out of the house, I still talked to myself, my neighbour looking at me like I was a weirdo...

I chuckled, waving slowly at her while she lifted an eyebrow. Eventually, she moved away and I let out a sigh of relief.

My head was still trying to get around the fact I had kissed her...

After a few minutes, I finally found myself driving to the school. Nervously tapping the steering wheel, I thought that some music would make myself feel better so, I turned on the radio.

'Capital! What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more. What is love?'

Widening my eyes, I quickly changed the station.

'Love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do! Touch me like you do, t-t-touch me like you do!"

Smacking the volume button, the song disappeared and I then I knew good, old silence would do.

The silent journey was... well silent and a few moments passed till I parked my car.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of my vehicle, closing the door behind me.

Locking the car, I rushed to the double door entrance and my head was pounding.

Everywhere I looked, I kept a good eye out for Astrid or even Sam...

And then-

"Thomas!" I screamed.

"Ahh!" Breathing quickly, I gulped hard and turned around. "M-Mrs Harrison?!" She nodded, frowning.

"Mr Hiddleston, my you seem jumpy this morning." I smiled and fiddled with my bands nervously. "I take it you celebrated well yesterday?" I face Mrs Harrison.

My head really was in the clouds today.


"You got the job Thomas! Isn't it something to celebrate for?" Swallowing, I gazed into the distance - flash backing into yesterday more like it. "Mr Hiddleston?" I jerked back. "Everything allright?" Lifting my eyebrow, I nodded frantically.

"Mhm, yeh. Yepety yep. I'm... It's all... good. Um, Mrs Harrison, would you excuse me for a minute?" She smiled at me, tapping my shoulder and she walked away.

I closed my eyes and breathed in out out slowly. Calmly.

Opening my eyes, I put on a big smile and then began to make my way towards my classroom.

Rushing right, I looked behind me, in case Astrid and Sam were lurking. Knowing the coast was clear, I looked forward and-

"Hiddles!" I darted outside and peered my head round the door.

Sam frowned at me, slowly creeping forward. "What's wrong Hiddles? Did I scare you?" I took a step forward.

"You did more than that..." I whispered, myself brushing my suit jacket. I cleared my throat and kneeled down. "Where your Mother?" Sam throws his arms around me and I chuckled.

"She's on the phone." Releasing his arms from me, Sam smiled.

"Where though?"

"Why though?" I sighed. "Please..."

"She went that-away." He pointed to the left of the door.

I didn't see her...

"O-okay then Sam." Before I straightened myself, Sam placed his small hands onto my shoulders.

"Did you and Mommy fight?" I smirked, shaking my head.

"No, no... I did a grown up thing."

"Was it a bad grown up thing?" I nodded.

"A very bad grown up thing." Sam met his hands behind his back.

"Did you kiss Mommy?"

Wait, what did he just say?

"W-what?" He giggled.

"Daddy had that face when he kissed Mommy for the first time. He made sure he didn't see her or..." He slid his finger across his throat.

Oh God.

Please no.

"... Thank you, bye." I froze.

That was... Astrid's voice.

Sam moved towards me.

"Good luck Hiddles. I'll keep her in shape." He winked at me and I simpered.

"Hey, what are you two whispering about?" Sam gave Astrid a cheesy grin, even I knew she wasn't buying it.

"Nothing Mommy." He looked back and me and winked again.

Help from a kid.


I straightened myself and tried not to look at her in the eyes. But, I knew Astrid was looking at me.

"Um, Sammy, Mommy wants to talk to Tom for a minute." I bit my lip. The tension rose.

Sam hugged Astrid and walked off.

I... I didn't want to look.

"Tom?" Uh oh, I made eye contact, I made eye contact! Danger, danger!

"Y-yes..." She smiled, was that good?

"Would you... well, would you mind sparing some time for a minute please?" I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck.

"S-sure." Astrid waited for me to exit. "Ladies first." She simpered and made her way out of the door, myself taking a deep breath.

"Hiddles, good luck!" Sam shouted and my cheeks burned.

I think I have to hold on to that.

I might need it...

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