Chapter Six - The Forthcoming Road

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Tom's POV

Sam had held tightly onto my hand as Astrid opened the door.

It was bloody well freezing and I was wearing a suit like Cary Grant, North by Northwest.

Astrid quickly turned the key into the lock and it finally opened.

"Come in, quick, quick!" She grabbed Sam's hand and I held onto the other as we rushed inside. "Get the door for me, will ya?" Nodding my head, I closed the door and began to rub my arms quickly.

"God damn. British weather." Astrid smirked at me and she began to undo her coat buttons.

"Mommy..." Astrid looked at Sam, kneeling down.

"What is it Sammy?" She fiddled with his coat and poor Sam looked white.

"I don't feel so good Mommy." Astrid bit her lip and picked up Sam, pecking him lightly on his cheek.

"How about a nice, hope cup of cocoa?" I stared at them both, Sam rubbing his eyes.

"Yes Mommy..." I followed them both into the living room and she placed Sam onto the sofa.

"I'll only be a minute Sammy..." Astrid gave him a faint smile.

Considering her loss, she looked as if she was trying to stay strong.

Stay strong for Sam.

From the way they were, Sam was probably the only person she had left. Their bond was unbreakable.

She made her way into the kitchen, myself going in after her.

Astrid began to open and close the cupboards and finally, her hazelnut eyes lay on me.

"Tea? Coffee?" I smiled, opening my mouth.

"Yes, tea please." She grabbed the milk and began to heat it up in a saucepan. Then, she began to boil my water for the tea.

I was fond of Earl Grey with a splash of milk. It was my favourite.

Astrid was still is her coat and I walked up behind her.

"Would... you like me to take your coat?" Her eyes shot up to me for a moment and she slipped off her coat.

"Yes, thank you..." Instantly, she looked back at her hot chocolate mixture and she began to pour it into the cup for Sammy. "My coat?" She asked. I laid it over her arm and she paced inside, myself watching her hand the nice hot chocolate to Sam.

"Thank you Mommy." She ruffled his hair and sat on the sofa next to him.

"Sammy hun, how do you feel?" Sam looked up at his Mother and I saw the loss light up in his eyes.

"I... I miss Daddy, Mommy." Dropping my head, Astrid pulled Sam into her and she rubbed his arm in comfort.

"Oh Sammy... I know... I know..." She let out a shivery breath and oh how much I wanted to hug her right now.

"When is... Daddy coming home?" There was a pause. That hesitation which would break poor little Sam's heart. Only if she had broken the news to him.

"He..." Astrid looked down at her son, my eyes wandering over hers and she smiled at me slightly. Sniffing, she spoke. "He'll be some... time honey..." Sam pleaded for a proper answer, once I knew she could not give.

"But Mommy, I want to know when..." Astrid gazed at walls, her mouth drooping.

"Me too... Me too." She got up and walked towards me, staring at me for a moment.

"Everything... all right? Maybe I should go, leave you both to-" She placed her hand on my shoulder delicately.

"N-no. Stay... Sammy wants you here." I let out a sigh, tucking my hands into my pockets.

"But... do you... want me here?" Astrid tensed her cheekbones and looked back at Sam.

"All I want... is for Sammy to be happy..." I glanced at her eyes, which were slowly filling up with tears. "... is that too much to ask...?" She looked back at me and I shook my head slowly, touching her shoulder.

"Look, Astrid..."

"Tea, tea..." She shook my hand off her shoulder, rushing into the kitchen. "You wanted tea..." Before walking in after her, I focused on Sam who was sipping away at his chocolate drink.

He didn't know the truth. I understood why she wouldn't tell him, but one day, he'd grow up and ask - Where is my Father?

I diverted my eyes away from Sam and walked into the kitchen, noticing Astrid with her head dropped.


"Astrid...?" I shyly rubbed her back, since I had no idea how to comfort a stranger. But what I did know, is how to comfort a woman in grief.

She spun round, rushing to wipe her tears.

"No, no... don't..." She breathed out heavily and paused before pouring water into the kettle. "Would you... like something stronger?" I frowned.

"Like what?" She reached into the cupboard and took out a bottle of vodka. "Oh... I shouldn't... not on a school night..." She shrugged her shoulder, happily pouring herself a glass.

"You know... I shouldn't even be drinking this..." Astrid scoffed, gulping down the contents in the glass. "... I might be pregnant..." My throat suddenly went dry and I snatched the glass off her. "Hey!"

"No, no!" I lowered my voice. "You're not going to drink that. I won't let you." She leaned closer towards me.

"And who are you? My husband?!"

"Mommy, what's happening?" Edging away from me, she looked at Sam.

"Go to your room..." She growled quietly.

"But Mom-"

"I said go to your room!" She shouted at Sam and he ran off, Astrid turning around her dear little hand shaking. "Give me the damn glass!" Astrid attempted to reach it, but I refused to give it to her. "You don't understand!"

"I do! I know that you are without a husband." She paused and I saw the tear threaten to leave her eyes.


"Mrs Harrison..." I scoffed. "She knew and she let me know..." She slid down onto the floor, pulling her legs into her chest. "Look..." I sat down next to her, fiddling with the cup. "I'm really sorry for your loss."

"No... It's... just..." She lifted her hands up to her face and placed it over her mouth. "... Sam doesn't even know... and... I can't tell him or he'll hate me..." The tears had finally left her eyes and I stared at a distressed Astrid.

"Children... will be themselves... It isn't your fault that he died..."

"I don't even know why I'm telling you, my son's teacher, of all people..." I simpered.

"It's good to... let things out." I got up, placing the cup onto the counter. "How about I make us... a cup of tea? And..." I reached for the bottle of vodka. "Have a sober chat?" She nodded her head and I held out my hand, helping her up.

"Thank you..." She smiled at me, wrapping her arms around herself.

Her actions told me how insecure she felt. I knew that I should at least help her. The state she was in, she'd need it.

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