Chapter Seven - Subtle Askings?

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Astrid's POV

I looked around and observed Tom as he made our teas.

He would be the first man I had told and... it did feel good letting it out.

Within a blink of an eye, memories flowed back. The room was filled with laughter and cheers, my husband's hand on my stomach.

"Well, looky here..." I smiled at him, pecking him on the cheek. "Look at our little son..." Our little boy kicked inside of me and by Christopher's expression, I knew he felt it.

"You felt him kick, didn't you?" Chris looked at me and gave me his biggest smile.

"I can't believe that we are finally going to be having a family..." He placed his hand onto my cheek, rubbing my cheekbone with his thumb.

"Neither can I Chris..." He kissed me lightly on my lips.

"I love you... So much Astrid..." I took a deep breath and smiled.

"I love you too." Suddenly, a voice broke through.

"Astrid, Astrid!" I twirled around, the voice getting louder.

Smacking my hands onto my ears, I bowed my head down, suddenly back into reality.

"Hey, hey..." Tom shook my shoulder and I let out a gasp, my hair trailing in front of my face.

I was on the floor.

"Wha... What happened?" I began to breath heavily and Tom picked me up by grabbing onto my arm and throwing it over his shoulder as I dazed.

He walked me over to the sofa and plonked me onto it.

"Are you all right? " He placed his hand onto my cheek and I frowned. I saw what was hovering through his eyes now.

Possibly guilt. Some sympathy hidden in there.

For who though?


No. No one could.

No one could care.

Care what I was going through or what I was hiding from my son.

Swiftly, he removed his hand from my cheek and tucked it away before I did anything rash.

"Sorry..." He whispered. "But seriously... You okay?" I dropped my head, nodding in reassurance.

But he could just read me.

Me. My body language. My facial expressions. Everything.

"You're not..." He opened his mouth, but I refused for him to dig deeper into what I was feeling.

"I..." Getting up, I immediately touched my forehead. "... need to see if Sammy's okay..." Leaving Tom speechless on the floor, I quickly rushed upstairs and knocked on Sam's door.

"Go away!" I heard him should and sob. Opening the door, I caught my eye on Sam crying on his pillow.

My mouth drooped and I walked to Sam, tapping his back.


"No, Mommy!" He cried out, but I knew he wouldn't give in to his anger and so, he threw his arms around me. "I want Dad, Mommy!" I rubbed his back shyly and cuddled him tighter.

"I know you do..." Shuffling his hair, I lowered my voice. "I wish he was here too...

In front of my eyes, stood a mirror. A familiar man in its reflection.

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