Chapter Sixteen - Right Back At Ya

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Tom's POV


I'm running.

Running from Mrs Harrison.

She holds a piece of paper with practically my whole life on it.

I drag my feet along the corridor, but then, I loose control of my steps and topple over onto the floor.

Twirling around, I am towered over by Mrs Harrison as she moves the open pen towards the signature box.

"No!" I scream, holding out my hand to stop her, but obviously it has no effect.

"Tom?" Pausing, another voice echos through the air and I looked around, distressed and confused. "Tom?" There it is again... "Tom, Tom wake up!"

Suddenly, I swiftly lift up my head from the table and smack my back onto the chair.

Breathing quickly, I swallow hard, unaware that I was in fact, in my classroom...

"Tom-" I rapidly turn my head towards the voice and narrow my eyes. I make the voice out, to be... Astrid. "A-are you okay?" She asked with uncertainty, frowning.

"Y-yes, I'm fine..." I take a deep breath and wipe my forehead. "What an interesting event..." I whisper to myself.

"Tom, you look like you had just had one hell of a nightmare." I smirk at Astrid.

"I guess you could call it that." Astrid smiles, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "Anyway, why are you here so early?" Pause.

"Early? Tom it's..." Astrid points at the clock. "Time for lessons, seriously, are you alright?"

"Shit!" I scream out angrily, a gasp coming from behind Astrid.

"What was that Mr Hiddleston?" That voice, those heels. God, it was Mrs Harrison.

"N-nothing..." Clearing my throat, I slowly get up, making my way beside Astrid. I stall, a constant reminder to everyone that I was shitting myself, practically. First it was just crap.

Now, it's triple crap with crap on top, so yes, I have that sorted.

"Mr Hiddleston, are you ready?"

"W-well... I-"

"Yes he is. I am very sure he is your best teacher so far." Astrid says happily, looking at me. "Right T- Mr Hiddleston?" She lifts both of her eyebrows, myself having to agree or this would be embarrassing.

"Y-yes." I exchange glances between them both before focusing on Mrs Harrison. "I'm sure I am the... b-best teacher." She smiles at me, tapping my shoulder.

"Well, I am proud to hear that. I am going to go and get some other papers and I'll be right with you Thomas." I nervously smile at Mrs Harrison as she leaves and then I drop my whole body as if it had turned to mush.

"You're welcome." Astrid nudges me.

"Thank you. But to be honest, you've made me feel worse." Combing my hair back with my fingers, Astrid turns to face me.

"I know you're going to do well. Don't fret. It isn't like she has snakes for hair." I pout. "Well, not that you've seen anyway." Astrid gives me a face of disgust.

"Ergh..." We stare at each other for a moment. "Well, she can't do anything worse than like a warning for being rubbish, but like I said... You'll be amazing." She simpers at me.

Okay, I feel a bit better.

"T-thank you." Releasing myself, I slip my hand into my right pocket. "So... how are... you?" Astrid drops her head and kicked the floor lightly.

"I'm... well, I feel... better." She smiled at me. "Thank you." Smiling back, I glance at her lips and both of our facial expressions drop.

And we were about-

"Mommy! Hiddles!" I felt a tight grip around my legs and I looked down.

It was Sam.

"Hey buddy." Tapping his head, he blinked along with them. Astrid takes Sam off my legs, allowing me to move my legs and I smile in response.

"I'm happy to see you Hiddles! We had fun yesterday, didn't we Mommy?" Little Sam looked at Astrid and she tensed her cheekbones, smiling slightly and nodding.

"Hmm, yes we... did."

"Mommy, he likes Loki, just like Daddy, isn't it wonderful?" This time, there was no response, Astrid just bowed her head.

She was still fragile, so I thought I should help.

"H-hey, Sam." I kneeled down, looking at Sam. "Why don't you round up the troops?" He frowned and I smirked. "Get everyone to come and sit down?" He nodded frantically and ran away from us both, before hugging Astrid for a moment.

I moved forward, peering at Astrid.

"Hey..." But she did not lift up her head. Cupping her face into my hands, I lifted up her head, her face wet with tears.

"No..." She whispered. "I... I don't want Sammy to see me like this..." I smile slightly, rubbing her shoulder.

"You... shouldn't be afraid of letting people know how you feel Astrid..." She swiftly turns around to wipe her tears and takes a shivery breath, myself moving close behind her. "Don't, be afraid." I whisper and she peers behind me, simpering.

"Ooh, right I am back!" Mrs Harrison rushed into the room, placing her papers onto the desk. "I was just-" She frowns, particularly at Astrid. "Everything okay Ms Williams?" Astrid forces out a weak nod. "Well... Mr Hiddleston, shall we start. Oh and..." Mrs Harrison clears her throat. "Ms Williams, if you wouldn't mind being... an extra? Feedback? Help me assess Mr Hiddleston?" Widening my eyes for a moment, I focus on Astrid.

"Of course." Astrid smiles. "I... don't mind." Looking at me, she arches her hands onto her back.

"Right then, when you're ready Mr Hiddleston." Mrs Harrison sits down and I take a deep breath.

"You'll be fine." Astrid gives me a comforting smile. "Don't, be afraid..."

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