Chapter Twelve - Discussions

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Astrid's POV


I did. I told him.

And I was right.

Now, he hates me.

I placed myself next to Sam and he shuffled away from me. Leaning my chin onto my palm, Sam crawled under the table and made his way next to Tom.

Tom gave me a small smile and shuffled Sam's mop of hair. However, Sam began to jump in his seat.

"I need to go to the boy's room..." He carried on jumping, myself offering to take him, hoping for a little success.

"Shall I take you Sammy?" He glared at me and quickly looked at Tom.

"Hiddles, can you come?" Tom looked at me and I drooped my eyes, looking at me cup.

"Can you go on your own Sam?" He suggested, Sam immediately leaping out of his seat and rushing to the toilets.

Tom leaned his elbows onto the table, leaning forward to me.

"How... did he take it?" Shaking my head, I sighed angrily.

"Not the best." I leaned back and folded my arms. "Can't you see that?!" I shouted, rubbing my forehead. "S-sorry..." I dropped my arms over my growing bump. "... Stupid hormones..." I grumbled, Tom sipping his coffee.

"Mmm..." He placed the cup onto the table. "It's fine Astrid. Guessing being pregnant does that." I smiled slightly, nodding my head.

"I'm not ready..." I whispered, however Toms was as sharp as a blade.

"Not ready for what?" Glaring at him, he nearly crawled back into his shell. "Sorry did I..." Biting my lip, I leaned forward and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear.

"It's... fine..." He eased his way out of his shell and slowly approached me.

"So..." He cleared his throat, "What aren't you ready for?"

"I don't understand Tom... why are you helping me?" Tom sighed.

"No one should go through grief in their own, Astrid." He shrugged. "I guess, I feel slightly sympathetic, but, it's not a bad thing. It is good to get people who feel for you, it shows how much they..." I frowned.

"How much they... what?"

"... Care about you." Sharply inhaling, suddenly Sam scrambled up to Tom and he looked it. I had stayed silent for a moment just thinking.

Caring. Just like Christopher.

Just like Tom is doing right now.

Care. Support.

"Hey little guy." Tom's smirk glistened and Sam giggled, leaning his head on Tom's thighs. "What's up?" He played with Sams devilish curls.

"I'm tired." I rolled my eyes and leaned back.

I knew where this was going.

"Shall we?" Tom reached for his keys and waved them at me.

"I have a car Tom." I said, with slight uncertainty. I did have a car, but I knew that Sam was going to suggest something. The way he was.

"I don't know to go with you Mommy, I want Tom!" He cried out. I couldn't see him, but I guessed he was giving Tom the puppy eyes and no one could ever refuse them.

It was Christopher and Sam's secret weapon.

"Oh, I'll drop..." He looked at me and I lifted my eyebrow. "N-no... maybe n-not..." I heard Sam shuffle up and it began.

"Mommy, no, I want Tom to drop us! I'm sick of you!" I tear formed in my eye and I bit my lip.

"Hey, hey, Sam, come on, listen." Tom shows Sam his keys as my hand twitches. Trembles. "Take this. Open the car door. This one." He points at the top button. "Press to open. Don't run off, me and your Mother will come, I promise." He nodded and rushed out, myself and Tom watching him step into the car and slamming the door.

I shied away my face and sniffed, tears trailing down my cheek.

I hear Tom rustle around and a hand press against my back.

"Astrid... hey..." I slowly turn my head to face him. "I'm sure he'll..." Tom's voice trails off and he stares at me, his smile drooping. "Astrid..." I find myself in Tom's arms within seconds, tears down my cheek and down my neck. Sniff by sniff, I take in Tom's smell of coffee and a the hint of cinnamon lurked.

"I..." I pulled myself away from him. "Sorry." Then, he placed his arms onto my shoulder and gazed deep into my eyes, tears slowly drying on my face.

"Astrid, I promise, I'll help you get through this."

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