Chapter Fifteen - Back Seat Thoughts

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Tom's POV

"Night buddy..." I whispered before closing the door. Astrid folded her arms.

"Hmm..." Closing one eye, I stuffed my hands into my pockets.

"Did I... do it right?" Astrid glared at me for a moment and my mouth drooped. Then, her expression completely changed and she chuckled.

"H-hey, why the sad face?" I widened my eyes, blinking suddenly. "What?"

"Ehe, well..." My throat sent dry and I leaned my arm on the wall. "Astrid Williams, you are one scary lady!" Astrid dropped her head.

"R-really?" I began to giggle, placing my hand onto her shoulder.

"No, no! See, now I'm joking." Astrid lifted an eyebrow and I cleared my throat. "A-anyway, how did I do then?" She arched her arms onto her back, sighing.

"You did amazing.... Thomas Hiddleston, you have put a child to sleep." I smiled, fiddling with my fingers.

"Thank you Astrid Williams. Definitely one for the road." And it suddenly went quiet. Astrid looked away from me breathing heavily.

I ruined it, didn't I?

Placing my hand onto her shoulder, she quickly wiped away her tears.


"No, no... It's fine." Finishing with a sniffle, Astrid spun round to face me. "I think, now is the time for... us to get the car." She smiled at me.

And I was guessing that smile was to show me that she was trying to be strong, not because she was actually happy.

Astrid rushed downstairs and I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck.

Sighing, I slowly walked down the stairs and I caught hold of Astrid's eyes just staring.

She was staring at the car keys in her hands.

Frowning, I made my way towards her, but before I could let words slip through my lips, Astrid broke out of her gaze and stuffed the keys into her pocket.

"Shall we go?" Astrid sniffed and I knew something was up.

"Are you... okay?"

"I'm fine Tom. Please... just stop asking." She stomped past me and grabbed her coat, pausing by the door. "Can we just go?" She said as she slipped on her coat.

Simpering, I nodded slowly and grabbed hold of my own coat and both of us stepped outside.

Allowing Astrid to get in first, I opened the front door of my car for her, ensuring she was inside and safe. As I shut the door, I made my own way towards my seat and started the engine.

"Let's go..." I quickly glanced at Astrid, who gave me a small smile.

Turning on the engine, I had indicated right, turning into the road.

Our journey remained quiet.

Something was wrong.

I could feel it.

My instincts were tingling.

All Astrid did was look out of the window and her arms had not moved from her previous position.

I thought it 'logical' to make some conversation.

Get that old voice box back into gear.

"Astrid?" I whispered shyly. "Astrid?"

"Hmm?" She groaned.

"Did I... do something earlier?" Looking at me, she shook her head.

"N-no... Not exactly..." She smiled for a moment.

"Can I ask... what is it?" Astrid sighed, fiddling with her fingers.

"Just... what you said..." I frowned, my heart beat racing.

"So it was what I said?"

"No, but yes. You..." She dropped her head. "You didn't know..."

"Astrid... if there is something you're not telling-"

"Yeh, I know Tom. I don't know why you're helping me-"

"I meant what I said earlier." I said firmly. "I will help you get through this." I smiled at Astrid. "Besides, I got Sam to finally eat some vegetables for you." Astrid and I chuckled.

"Yeh, you did... and that was a miracle."

"It was!" Laughing, I pulled up outside that same cafe. Rubbing my hands together, I faced Astrid. "Let's go." Before I even stepped foot out of the car, Astrid just froze.

She stared at the car.

"I can't..." She whispered. Parting my lips, I placed my hand onto her shoulder.

"Astrid... I'm here. Besides, I have a black belt in kung fu. Any bastards in the dark can kiss my ass." Okay, I lie about the black belt, but who knows? Astrid might actually leave.

"No... it's not that..." I frowned.

"Then, what?"

"Earlier... those car keys... this car... they... belong to... Christopher..." She covered her mouth and she fell apart before me.

Leaning over the gearbox, I push her head onto my shoulder and stroke her hair.

"H-hey... it's okay..." Kissing the top of her forehead I tried to give her words of comfort. "I promise, I'm right here... Anything you need, I'm right here." She lifted her head for a moment, looking up at me like a lost puppy.

"I don't need charity Tom." Cupping her face in my hands, I responded.

"To me, it isn't charity. It's what I call care."

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