Chapter Eighteen - Best Wishes

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Tom's POV

For a moment, my body was going to explode. That small pep talk with Astrid made me feel confident, yet still nervous.

I was turned towards my desk, fiddling with bits of paper.

"Mr Hiddleston?" I catch Mrs Harrison voice call my name and I slowly turn around.

"Ye...s..." I was so nervous, since she wore a very, well, scary face. And her with a clipboard, made me even more anxious.

"I've had a good look at your lesson. And I believe..." She paused and looked down at at her papers. I bit my lip, waiting, it was just so slow... painfully slow. I couldn't wait...

"Yes..." I whispered, encouraging Mrs Harrison to actually spit out any news.

Mrs Harrison held out her hand and I frowned.

"Well done Mr Hiddleston, you have officially secured your place here." My face stayed straight for a moment, until I couldn't help but start laughing.

"Really?!" I cried out, chuckling and Astrid placed her hand over her mouth, also giggling.

"Yes Mr Hiddleston." Bursting into laughter, I wiped away my happy tears, finally shaking Mrs Harrison's hand.

"Thank you, thank you!" Mrs Harrison smiled, Astrid disappearing from the door.

"It is my pleasure." She moved towards my ear. "It is all thanks to Ms Williams. She had persuaded me to the right side. I am happy to secure you the place. Without a doubt, your skills are something to keep." Dropping my eyes, I lifted them back up immediately.

Me keeping my job was... with the help of Astrid.

"T-thank you Mrs Harrison." I touched the tip of my mouth and I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

"You're a lucky man Thomas." She whispered, "You and Astrid. Well, you both seem to click." I frowned.

"Excuse me?" Instead, Mrs Harrison relayed the frown back to me.

"What? Aren't you two a couple?" I lifted an eyebrow. "Oh. Gosh. Okay." I ran my fingers through my hair.

Is that what people thought me and Astrid were?

I mean, I didn't want to rule out the possibility that we could be, but, really? That was an interesting proposition.

Moving my hand down towards my neck, I sighed, rubbing it lightly.

"W-would you e-excuse me for a moment?" Mrs Harrison nodded, and I walked straight out, looking both ways.

Astrid was nowhere to be found.

I caught my eye on the receptionist and made my way towards her.

"Excuse me? Sorry, have you seen a woman?" She lifted both her eyebrows, so I had to justify. "Um... yay high and brown, wavy hair. Hazel eyes? Few months pregnant... goes by the name of... Ms Williams..." Finally I saw a sign.

"Yes, she looked rather..." A crease made its way between my eyebrows. Was something wrong? "Anyway, she went outside. Out that-away." She pointed towards the main entrance and I thanked her before running through the doors.

I placed the side of my hand onto my forehead and narrowed my eyes, looking across from right to left.

And there she was.

Sitting in her car, face down onto the steering wheel.

Biting my lip, I dragged my foot, but I was somehow... stuck.

Pausing for a moment, I looked down, my leg trapped in Sam's arms.

"Hey Hiddles." He flashed a grin. Chuckling, I shuffled his hair.

"Hey Sam. Allright?" Nodding, he released his grip from my legs and I shook them, trying to get them back to normal state in order to walk.

"I was wondering... where you and Mommy got to, but..." He looked around. "I don't see her anywhere." I glanced at the car, noticing that her arms were now straight and pressed against the steering wheel, her head tilted back.

"Your Mother is, in the car." I kneeled down. "How about, I go fetch her and you stay here?" Biting his bottom lip, Sam smiled.

"Okay." I straightened myself and made my way towards the car.

Walking to the front seat, I tap the window, simpering.

She smiled back at me and I step inside, closing the door lightly. Astrid sniffs, looking forward, as if she is avoiding any sort of conversation.


"Yes..." She looks at me, her tears slowly drying on her face.

"What's... wrong?"

"I..." She placed the side of her hand beneath her nose and sniffed.

"Astrid?" "I-it's... Chris... I... It's his birthday tomorrow." I licked my lips, nodding slowly.

"I'm..." She placed her hand onto my shoulder and I stopped.

"You don't have to 'be' anything. You've helped me too much."

"I want to help Astrid." She dropped her head, playing with her fingers. "And... thanks for nudging Mrs Harrison." Astrid smiled.

"You are welcome." Both of us smiled at each other and we looked at the back door, Sam jumping in.

"Hey Mommy." Astrid frowned.

"Since when were you allowed out of class?!" She cried out and I opened my mouth.

"Ah." I cringed. "Shall I-"

"Yes. Good idea." Before I left the car, I smiled at her in comfort.

Both me and Sam hopped out of the car and he clutched into my hand.



"Are you and Mommy good friends?" I lifted my eyebrow and I supposedly didn't understand the 'good' friends part.

"You... could say that." Sam giggled and I smirked. "Why?"

"No reason."

I knew that Sam and other people had thought that Astrid and I were a couple. I wasn't ruling out the possibility, but we weren't.

For now.

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