Chapter Two - Those Puffy Eyes

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Tom's POV

"Good morning. I am Mr Hiddleston. I'm new here and I'll be... teaching your son." Gosh I was so nervous, but I'd hoped that me holding out my hand had made the conversation between me and this parent much less scary than it was.

Her hazelnut eyes had stared at my hand for a few moments and eventually she had taken the chance of shaking it.

"Hi." She answered straight and I gave her a small smile then I turned to her son, who looked rather excited.

"Mommy, Mommy!" He squealed, pulling at her coat as she stared at me. She blinked continuously and I admired her dark brown hair that draped over her shoulders. It was wavy, her fringe had grown out and had a small flick at the end of it.

"What is it Sammy?" She crouched down and straightened Sam's bag by tugging on the straps.

"I want to see my friends now."

"Now, I..." She dropped her head for a moment and I swear that she had sobbed for a moment. "... I want you to be a good... good boy for Mommy okay?" He nodded frantically and I smirked, cherishing that Mother and son relationship.

"Okay!" Sam threw his arms over his Mother's neck and she rested her head on his. When they pulled away, I saw the confusion on little Sam's face. "Mommy, what's wrong?" She wiped her tears, shuffling his hair.

"Nothing... Mommy's just... ill." I frowned at her, folding my arms. I thought it was my duty as a teacher to at least help others. Even if it was a parent. "See you later okay..." As she got up, Sam ran up to me, crying out.

"Mommy keeps crying!" My mouth drooped, looking at her and she looked at her son with anger.

"Sammy!" She shouted and left the room. I thought it was polite to ask her what was wrong and so I ran after her.

"Miss! Miss!" I called. She paused, snapping at me.

"Don't you have a duty of care to look after my son?"

"I... have a duty to make sure that my pupils are satisfied with things at home." She scoffed and I walked closer towards her. "Is everything all right?"

"Look... I'm sorry." She pulled her bag further up her shoulder. "I have to be somewhere. Why don't you carry on being a teacher, yes?" I dropped my head for a moment and as soon as I looked up, she was already leaving the school. Stuffing my hands into my pockets, I knew I shouldn't have been nosy.

I then rubbed the back of my neck and made my way back into the classroom, letting out a frown. Something was different...

"Hello!" About twenty children screamed at me and I nervously chuckled.

"H-h-hi." Sam walked up to me, hugging my leg and I stared down at him.

"Was Mommy okay?" I gazed through his blue-brown eyes, less like his Mother's. Letting out a sigh, I tapped his head.

"Yes... She's... fine..." I didn't really know what to say, since I hadn't talked to her properly. Sam hugged me even tighter and I smiled as he made his way back to his circle of friends. Taking a deep breath, I removed my suit jacket and placed it onto the chair. I leaned myself onto the desk, my arms folded. "Right so..." All of a sudden, my ears picked up a few sharp knocks and so I diverted my attention to the women at the door.

It was the head teacher.

"Hello, sorry. Mr Hiddleston, I need to have a quick word." I nodded my head and rolled up my sleeves. They tightened around my elbow as I walked out.

"Hello Mrs Harrison. What seems to be the problem?"

"I... I wanted to ask, how are you finding this? It is your first day and all." I shoved my hands into my pockets, reflecting on my first meeting with Sam's Mother.

"Its been good. Yes, thank you." She tapped my shoulder.

"Good, good. Oh!" My heart jumped for a moment. "I forgot. Have you heard about poor little Sammy's Father?" My ears perked up and I'd hoped she was talking about the right Sam I was thinking of. "He had a nasty little accident a few days ago. Personally, I feel sorry for that Mother of his. They had always been that perfect little couple, and now, it's all gone. Ah..." I bit my lip. His Mother is a recently categorised window? "Mr and Mrs Williams, nice ring to it too. Anyway." Mrs Harrison smacked my back lightly and I let out a small groan. "Have fun with this new class and I'll catch up on progress later. Good morning." She twirled around and began to walk away from me.

My jaw had hung open slightly for a few minutes as I strolled into the classroom. It explained how upset she was and why Sam had brought it up.

"Mister!" One of the children called and I looked up to them. "When are we going to start lessons?" I smirked, making my way up to the little girl.

"We are going to start now. Right!" I clapped loudly, everyone staring at me. "We are going to start to do a bit of work later, but first we'll start with some fire safety, yay!" The whole class groaned and I put my hands on my hips. "Oh come on! This'll be fun!"

"How will it be fun? The last teacher was boring..." Licking my lips, I had an idea. An idea to make it fun.

"Okay, everyone get into a line..." Rubbing my hands together, I knew the children would never forget this.

 * * * * * * * * * * * *

"One, two, three, four, I will always do my chores!" I shouted and blew my whistle as the children had been marching around the classroom. After a short introduction to fire safety, I had moved onto sudden death. Otherwise known as my backup plan.

"One, two, three, four, I will always do my chores!" They shouted back and I jumped from the top of the table and landed with a thump.

"Five, six, seven, eight, we will always appreciate...!"

"You!" The children cried out at me. I began to chuckle, combing my fingers through my soft hair.

"No, no, no. Come on, we've been through this like ten times already. It's just we will always appreciate." Sam broke out from the line and shouted out.

"You! You Sir!" He and the class began to giggle and I grabbed a book from the shelf, knowing that they'd be ready for this.

"Right, who's ready for a story?" I waved a book, Humpty Dumpty to be exact. Everyone squaled and quickly sat in front of the desk, their fingers on their mouths. Literally. "So... Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; all the king's horses and all the king's men,
couldn't put Humpty together again." I know that it sounded a tiny bit babyish, but believe me, a class like this looked like they enjoyed a good nursery rhyme.

"Again, again!" The class pleaded again and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, okay! Humpty-" Before I could continue, I was interrupted by the bell. The children before me groaned and they began to gather their things and slip on their coats. I grabbed my suit jacket and put it in, finally relieved that it was the end of the day. In fact, it was a very short day.

As most of the children exited the classroom, over time, I was curious about why Sam was sitting alone on a table.

I only realised once I had lifted my head up for the first time after about twenty minutes. My head was throbbing and some painkillers wouldn't get rid of it.

Slowly walking towards him, I kneeled to the floor and placed my head on the table. Sam caught his eye in me once some of his toys were near my chin.

"Hey Sam." There was no response. "Sam?" I called him again, but he carried on playing with his toys. "Sam what's wrong?" He gave out a deep sigh, dropping his toys.

"I'm waiting for Mummy." He carried on again, but this time, pushed one over as if it died. I simpered, knowing that once it was me.

"Where is... your... Mommy?" He shrugged his shoulders. "How about we play a game?" Sam stared at me and his face slowly loosened the tension be had before. He was getting excited.

"What... kind of game?" Simpering, I reached into my pocket and took out two different coloured bean bags.

I comprehended the fact that Sam and I were thinking of the same thing...

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