Chapter Thirty One - Letting Go?

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My gooood! Nearly 6K! :D ILY! ♥ Thank you all so much :) I hope you enjoy these last few chapters. Oh and heads up, this book is ending in a couple of chapters :3


Tom's POV

I lay in my bed reflecting on last night. I didn't, couldn't, believe it.

I loved her, but her reaction to me leaving yesterday had prove to me that, maybe it was just small crush for a pupil's parent.

There was no doubt I loved Sammy, in fact I was going to miss him the most.

And him calling me Hiddles, which was probably the best name in the world to me.

Twisting to my side, I picked up my phone and swiped to the email I received from those New York people.

At the bottom, was a telephone number.

It was standard of course. Everytime they sent an email to anyone, they would attach a contact number.

And what did I do?

I called them, with some hesitation.

"Hello, Department of Drama, I'm Sarah, how can I help?"

"Hiya, yes, I'd like to speak to..." I swiped my email back up swiftly. "... Keely?"

"Keely, yes, and your name please?"

"Tom..." l pause to clear my throat, since a lump had suddenly made my throat croak. "Tom Hiddleston." She takes a deep breath.

"One moment please." Out of the blue, I hear a random theme tune. Funnily enough it was the Avengers theme. "Putting you through."

"Tom Hiddleston right?" I lean my back in my bed board.

"Yes." I respond. "I'm ringing to discuss-"

"The email I sent you yesterday?" I blinked continuously.

"Y... yeah, yeah. I wanted to-"

"Decline? Yes, that's fine." Dammit woman, let me speak. "We have plenty of-"

"I wanted to accept." There was a moment of silence. "H-hello?" Did she die? Wha- what happened?

"Yes, yes!" She cried from the other side of the phone. "And you're certain?"

"Yep, uhm." She hissed in excitement.

"Yes! That's amazing. Come to N-Y as soon as possible-"

"I'm coming today." I smile slightly.

"Amazing, well Mr Hiddleston, see you here later!" I put the phone down and straightened my shirt.

I was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

Looking to my right, I had looked down at my suitcase.

"Time to move on..."

Astrid's POV

"Mommy..." Sam whispered and I groaned. "Mommy, it's... a school day Mommy." I opened my eyes and realised that me and Sammy had slept on the sofa all night.

"What..." I yawned, rubbing my bump. "What... time is it?" Sammy looked at the clock.

"... Mmm... nearly eight Mommy."

"Come here..." Sam rubbed his eyes and walked towards me. "Love you." He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. I pecked him on his forehead and shuffled his hair. "Go get ready."

Sam steps back and rushed up the stairs.  

Combing my hair with my fingers, I looked down at my bump.

"Time to mend baby."

Tom's POV

I closed my car door and glanced at my watch.


Stuffing my hands into my pockets, I had just stared at the school, because, I'd miss it.

I really would.

My eyes had hovered over Mrs Harrison and I locked my car, rushing inside the building.

inside the building.

"Mrs Harrison!" I cried out, and she turned around to face Mr as I paced over to her.

"Ah, Mr Hiddleston. You're... late this morning."

"Mrs Harrison-"

"I need you in your classroom becaus-"

"Mrs Harrison." I whispered, but in a high pitch.

"What is it Thomas? And..." She looked at my clothes. "Why are you looking less... neat than usual?" I too a deep breath.

Crap, I didn't think this was going to be as hard as I thought. "Tom?"


"Has a cat got your tongue?" I had to come out with it.

"I..." I cleared my throat. "I'm... leaving. I have a... job in New York, which I'd like to accept."

After a few seconds, I watched Mrs Harrison's face drop.

I was really doing this.

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