Chapter Three - Accusations

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Astrid's POV

"Yeh, yeh. I was just... thinking." My phone was balancing between my left ear and shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" On the other side of the phone was my childhood friend, Sarah.

"I'm... coping."

"I can tell by that small pause that you're not." I sighed, scrubbing the inside of the sink harder. My voice showed some signs of frustration.

"I... I... don't... really know!" Releasing my grip from the sponge, I threw both my yellow gloves and the sponge onto the counter. Finally, I could hold the phone properly. "I just... don't know what to say to Sam... It would break his heart and..." I could feel tears building up in my eyes. "... he'd hate me..."

"He shouldn't hate you for telling the truth, even if he is young." I heard Sarah inhale and I patted the back of my hand onto my eyes. "Well, listen Astrid. You are coming to see me after you pick up Sam, so..." Sam. Picking up Sam. Oh crap!

"Sarah, oh my God, Sam!"

"What is it?" I ran to the door, pulling the keys from my pocket.

"I forgot to pick up Sam!" Growling, I rapidly put in my coat, the phone being balanced again.

"Hey, Astrid! Don't worry. Just... go and pick him up and I'll see you in about an hour." I rushed to open the door, shoving the phone into my pocket.

For the whole journey, I realised that I should have paid more attention. Ever since he died, I daze off into my own little world and forget about the people around me.

I felt sicker and sicker the closer to his school I got. My eyes began to fill up with tears and I totally lost control of my emotions. I had burst and my whole face was wet and dripping in salty tears. Coughing, I ran out of my car and paced inside, the sound of squealing echoing in the hallway.

"Sam!" I cried out and walked quickly towards the noise.

It was coming from Mr Hiddleston's room. Sam's teacher. Sam.

Without thinking, I barged in and lost control of my words. The first thing I saw was his teacher, holding bean bags.

"Where's my son?!" I demanded, my voice in a quivering mess. He frowned at me and then just stared at me.

"Mommy?" Finally. I heard Sam's voice.

"Sam!" A smile grew on my face and I threw my arms around my son, my tears still falling down my face.

"Mommy what is it?" He questioned, but I squeezed him tighter.

"It's... nothing... Oh gosh..." I stroked Sam's hair back and Mr Hiddleston just gazed at us both. I mouthed a subtle sorry and I dried my tears with the end of my sleeve. "What have you been up to Sammy?" I released my arms from Sam's neck and straightened myself.

"I, I've been playing with Mr Hiddleston! We played catch!" Sam squealed. I knew he loved playing catch, just like his Father.

"Right..." My voice trailed off. "That's nice..." My eyes came into contact with his and I gave him a small smile, Sam jumping around beneath me.

"Mom can we go home?" Sam pleaded. I looked down at him, remembering that I needed to meet Sarah. It was a must.

"Sweetie, we are going to go and see your Aunty Sarah. Don't worry though, I'll get you some ice cream and pizza. How does that sound?" Sam squealed and his teacher began to chuckle.

"Yes, yes! Let's go now!" Sam grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the room. We scrambled into the car and I began to drive to that particular restaurant that Sarah wanted me to meet her at.

"Okay..." I sniffed, parking the car, then I needed to make sure Sam was in his best behaviour. "Sammy." Sam pouted at me, giving me puppy dog eyes. "L-listen... I need you to be in your best... behaviour. No jumping and keep quiet for Mummy okay?" Sam bit his bottom lip, hesitating.


"Let's go then." I jumped out of the car with Sam and he clutched onto my hand tightly. So did I. Definitely didn't want to loose him.

When I made my way inside the place, I looked around, trying to catch out that one person who had that one special, unique personality.

"Astrid!" I heard someone call my name and suddenly I was trapped inside somebody's arms. I knew it was Sarah. "Hey Sammy!"

"Aunty Sarah!" Sarah leaned down and picked Sam up, myself smiling.

"Right, lets sit down!"

* * * * * * * * * * *

"You think you're what now?" Sarah had asked for the fifth time as she gulped down mouthfuls of food.

"I think I'm..." I lowered my voice. "...pregnant..." I knew that Sam couldn't hear me as he tucked into his pizza, but it was worthwhile being cautious.


"It's the only possible reason ever since he passed... Throwing up is not my forte."

"But, it isn't like... he wanted to leave you flipping pregnant?" I shook my hand, pressing my hand onto the table.

"No, no. He wouldn't do that. No and no Sarah! But, thinking about it, how the hell am I going to bring up two children on my own?! Is it even poss-" Sarah placed her hand into mine.

"Don't even panic." I let out a sigh, touching my forehead.

"I... I don't even know what to do... Sarah..." My voice trembled, Sam jumping onto my back.


"Sammy." I chuckled. "Get off me please..." Sam released his hands from my neck, sitting back in his place.

All of a sudden, Sarah had focused in something in the distance.

"Oh my God..." I frowned, sniffing.


"This totally hot guy is staring at me." I rolled my eyes.

"So typical. Just because he is staring at you..." I turned my head around. "It doesn't mean that..." My voice quietened and I realised who it was, so I quickly looked back at Sarah. "Oh gosh." Sarah tilted her head.

"Actually, I think he is staring at you... Dammit..." I lightly smacked Sarah.

"Stop staring!"

"I can't... He keeps looking at us... Who is he anyway?" I scoff, biting my lip.

"H-he is Sam's teacher. Mr Hiddleston."

"First name?" I shrugged.

"Why the hell would I know?" Sarah licked her lips, leaning forward.

"He's hot." I scoffed in disgust. "Come on... I bet he is one of those British guys who has that body to die for." I choked, again, in disgust.

"Stop it." I dropped my head. "I've got to find Sam..." I turned my head to the left, Sam not in his seat. "Sarah..."


"Where's Sam?" She stretched out her arm, pointing behind me.



"With the hot guy." I scrunched my eyes closed and sighed hard.

Now I had to go and fetch him.

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