My Gift To You ♥

1.3K 51 21

Okaaay! Hi!!! Finally xD

Come on, that gif of Tom :) ♥ (Me just FYI)

I really hope that you enjoyed this bit, but here's the best bit, (I think it is anyway) saying thank you.

With over 6K reads, I am absolutely flattered and with the many people who have read it. Just, thank you.

You are always the one to change that one read into one hundred reads and that one vote to many votes and that puts a huge smile on my face.

But, there are some people who I would like to mention. The ones who have been the ones to comment first and be so supportive through this book.

Firstly, AnaScott_, Ana, just thank you. Words cannot describe how I feel whenever you are one of the first to comment on my books. You're comments are funny and just so kind. Ana, good luck for your own books and stay amazing ♥

Secondly, Dragon_Queen_13! You are so funny and you comments just make me burst out laughing! You are  also one of the first commenters\voters and so, thank you ♥

Next, Cumberstone, you have been an amazing friend the past few months and have also supported me and my ideas. Your books are amazing and you are extremely creative. Your comments put a smile on my face. ♥

Next up, LizHiddles! Now, Liz, you have been my best friend since, well forever. You're comments are just amazing and also I always have tears in my eyes. (Of laughter)  And I want to thank you for doing so. You always catch up on my books, even though you are a night owl :') Liz, thank you for being you.

Lastly, LucyHiddle! First off, I love your new profile picture! :) Also, I know that this book is not as good as Because you're Mine, but I want to thank you for reading my books - this being one of them. You are really supportive and an all round good person. So, thank you also! :)

But, remember, I want to thank you readers too! ♥

The votes, comments and even reads, pushes me to keep writing. The tough times I have had these past few months, my writing and the people here on Wattpad, have helped me go ahead.

Take that one step further.

So, here it is.

Two words.

For you.

Thank you. xx


(I am planning another two Tom Hiddleston fanfics ;) One is a Hiddleston teacher x student, the other a best friend story « be up soon, please take a peek ;3) :D

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