Chapter Twenty Four - Nothing To Tell Loki?

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Tom's POV

"Okay cheeky mares!" I clap my hands. "Time to go crazy." The whole class squealed and I placed my hand around my hips. "You know I mean, not literally."

He says to a class of hyped up kids.

"I think... maybe a break from all of this writing. My hands hurt and I'm guessing yours do too." I shook my hands the whole classing nodding in agreement.

"Yes sir, we are all fed up with writing." Says Emma and they all rub their wrists. I kneel, urging the children to come together - towards me.

"Come, come..." I whisper. I feel like I'm in Hocus Pocus. "Why don't we all do some doodling?" The children cheered and I shushed them and that was when they quietened down. "No, shh, shh!"

"Why sir?" Sam whispers.

"We don't want old Battleaxe to ruin the fun..." I point my head to the left and the children look at Mrs Harrison and begin to giggle.

The class place their index finger on their lips and scatter to their desks.

I straightened myself and brush my suit shirt. Leaning myself onto the desk, I fold my arms.

Then, I glance at the clock.


About three hours till I had to be with Astrid and about fifteen minutes till lunchtime.

And fifteen minutes till a heck load of marking.

I run my hands over my face and suddenly feel a tug. Moving my hands away, I look down.

It was Sam.

"Hiddles." He looked up at me and I smiled slightly.

"What's up stranger?" Sam shrugged and I think something is wrong. I crouch down and tug at his collar. "Hey... what is it..." He bows his head.

"It's... nothing..." I narrow my eyes.

"Sammy... tell Loki everything. I will make you otherwise..." I darkened my voice, Sam giving me a sniff.

"It's... the others... they keep talking about their Dads and I can't say anything about mine and..." He drops his head further. "... I get sad." I pull his head up with my finger and rub his shoulder lightly.

"Hey..." I wipe a tear with my thumb. "Your Dad must have a been a great Dad to make you and your Mum so happy." I lean forward. "You tell them, he's a hero." Sam smiles at me and I leaned back. "Ooh, is that a smile?" Sam giggled.

"Yes it is!" He giggled louder and threw his arms around me. "Thanks Loki." He whispers into my ear and I tap his back.

"You're welcome civilian." We both smile and Sam walks away.

The bell then echos through the corridor a few minutes later, and the children run go their coats.

I watch them all push out of the door and I chuckle.

Gosh, I was tired.

Letting out a deep sigh, I walk towards the tiny desks and begin picking up the pieces of lined and plain paper.

The first - Sam's.

I frown and make my way to my desk, admiring the picture from far away.

Sitting down, I then look at the picture clearly.

It was Sam, Astrid and... me.

As in 'HIDDLES,' an arrow pointing at me.

Me and Astrid were holding hands.

I wore green clothing and my hair was longer.

Actually, he wrote Loki before Hiddles, but you know.

Putting that paper down, I picked up Sam's writing.

The children had to write about the things they had wanted most in their life and I would have to address them if there was any concern.

Obviously, I knew that there wouldn't be, but I have to follow 'protocol.'

I then began reading Sam's writing.

My most favourite things.

The Sound Of Music, totally.

My most favourite thing in the whole wide world is my Daddy. Daddy was my great Daddy and he loved the road. I miss him so very much and I wish that he would come back. But, I feel like I have a new Daddy.


I like Hiddles now.

Did he just say... Hiddles?

Hiddles is like Loki and I love Loki.

Me? Me, did he say me?

He helped Mommy just like Daddy and Mommy loved Daddy. Loki is amazing and Hiddles is just like him and I know that he will protect Mummy.

I know Hiddles like Mummy and Mummy like Hiddles. Mummy was sad and now she is not. I want a new Daddy and I think Hiddles will do. Mommy and I will be happy. And Daddy would have loved him.

I put the paper down slowly and smile.

Sam was truly a great kid. I feel like he had just completed my destiny for me.

I'm Loki.

And I get what I want.

Okay, that sounded really bad, but... I want Astrid and Sam. I am determined to turn their lives around.

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