Chapter Twenty Seven - Shadows

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Tom's POV

After I had gone to the clinic with Astrid, we both parted our separate ways.

I regretted our conversation. I should have told her how I felt - I wanted to know if she felt the same way.

Walking into my home, I slowly closed the door behind me and threw my keys onto the table.

Dragging myself onto the sofa, I sank into it, running my fingers through my hair.

I was tired. Stressed. Confused.

I didn't know what was right and what was wrong, but there was one thing I was sure of - how I felt about Astrid.

That and my job as an actor in New York.

Both of them preyed on my mind.

I reached for the television remote and turned the TV on, placing my hand against the back of my head.

"On the news tonight. Husbands faking deaths. Figures suggests that husbands are more likely to fake their deaths and leave their wives at home alone." I lift an eyebrow. That was coincidental.

Not taking a second look, I turn over the channel.

"Please! Please don't leave me! I... I love you!" The woman screams and I widened my eyes.

Could there not be some comedy on, rather than shows making me feel even more guilty?

I pressed the button again, and the Avengers came on. Glued to it, I followed Loki around on the screen...

Maybe I would play him one day.

A few moments later, I jump at the sound of my doorbell ringing over and over and over. I tensed my cheekbones and darted to the door, pulling open the door in frustration.

"What-" I paused, pulling my hand away from forming a fist. "Hey Astrid, Sam." I changed the tone of my voice to a softer tone.

"Hiddles!" Sam threw his arms around my legs. Astrid arched her arms around her back and smile slightly.

"He begged me." I chuckled, picking Sammy up.

"How about a nice cup of cocoa?" He nodded his head frantically and Sam wriggled out of my arms, rushing into the living room, or at least, tried to find it.

"Why don't you... sit inside? I'll get us a drink." Before I placed one foot in front of the other, Astrid grabbed my arm.

"Are you sure... we aren't intruding?" I smiled.

"You're welcome here Astrid. You and Sam." I grabbed her arm and pecked her palm. She let out a frown and pulled her hand back to me. "Sorry..." Astrid shook her head.

"No, no. You're being kind. That's all Tom. God, you will be missed." I smiled.

"That means something." Astrid smirked.

"Go and make that cocoa before Sam throws a tantrum." We both chuckled, myself getting started on his drink.

I tried to do it exactly how Astrid did it, but I knew it couldn't be as tasty.

Astrid's POV

I had stood outside of the window, my fingers trailing my own face. I was wondering.

For some reason, I had this feeling that... I was being followed for these past for few days.

I kept on seeing shadows crawl in and out of the darkness. It was scaring me. I wanted it to be gone. I just couldn't prove it was there.

Suddenly, my skin crawled and I felt a hand touch me and I gasp.

"Hey. Sorry, did I... frighten you?" Tom held a cup of coffee as he paused his speech.

"No! No. It's fine." I wrapped my hands around the rim of the cup. "Mmm... warm and toasty." Blowing the top of my coffee, me and Tom make our way to his sofa. "Nice house."

"Thanks. I tried to afford luxury even with my crappy wages." He laughs quietly.

"Sam got his cocoa?"

"Yep. I tried to make it as good as yours but, mine will never be." Simpering, he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Everyone has their own style of making cocoa. Everyone's is special in some way." I smile at him and take a sip of my own.

"Astrid... I wanted to talk about... earlier. About, my job in New York..." My heart stops.

"Have you taken it?" I say, swiftly.

"No, no. I..." Tom clears his throat. "I wanted to... say something." Placing my cup in my lap, I glance to both sides.

"Go on."

"I..." He heaved. "I... You and Sam. Both, of you. You've changed my life. When I came here, I thought I'd never run into these problems and I did. You and Sam, mean everything." I wanted him to say it. I wanted him to say it. "I... I... lo-" All of a sudden, the doorbell interrupted us. Dammit.

"T-Tom, what were you going to..." Tom gets up.

"Maybe it can wait. Sorry..." I knew he was nervous. He does this thing where he takes awkward pauses and he flutters his eyes a lot.

"Hey, hey! You can't come in here!" Tom cried out and I eased myself up from the sofa. "Get out!"

"Astrid! Astrid!" I heard a familiar voice call my name.

Then I saw who it was.

It was Daniel.

My husband's friend.

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