Chapter Twenty Nine - Till Death Do Us Part

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By jolly gosh! Over 5.2K!? Thaaank youuu! :) I'm glad this has done well and thank you for everyone's supportive and make-me-laugh comments! :D ♥ I hope you enjoy the rest of this story :)


Astrid's POV

Our lips detached and I froze.

"Astrid, sorry, did I..." Swallowing, I shook my head and touched my mouth.

"No... sorry... I... I've only ever... kissed Christopher..." I was tearing up with just his name. Taking deep breaths, I looked away.

Why, why was I kissing another man?

Christopher. We both had vows. Till death do us part...

He's gone though.

Even if his timing wasn't what I had been informed accurately about.

Did I really love this man in front of me? Or is it all a trick playing with my mind?

Thoughts, both negative and positive, smothered my mind and I couldn't exactly blow them away like leaves trailing in the wind.

"Astrid..." Tom placed his hand on top of my own.

It felt so real...

I glanced at his touch and slowly pulled away. I didn't know if I should do this.

Fall in love again and everything falling apart, rather than bringing me happiness.

"I think..." I touched my bump and eased myself up from the sofa. "... maybe me and Sam should go." Tom frowned and also got up.

"Can't you stay?" I shake my head, arching my hands onto my back.

"No, Sam has school tomorrow and I have the car to take care of." Tom stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked up to my with a dull expression.

I took a shivery breath. I actually didn't want to step outside this house. For some reason, I thought Daniel was waiting.

"Astrid... what's wrong?"

"I... I don't... I don't think I should leave this house, thinking about it." He rubbed my arm, a thudding sound coming from upstairs - which was followed by Sammy's voice.

"Uh oh! I didn't know it was supposed to do that! Sorry Hiddles!" Tom chuckled, however I did not.

"I..." Wrapping my arms around myself, I remembered the letter. "Daniel... he, he must be still out there." He simpered at me.

"You're most welcome here Astrid. You know you are. Both you and clumsy Sammy." We chuckled, another thud coming from upstairs.

"Hiddles! It happened again!" I glanced at Tom, taking a deep breath.

"We better go upstairs and make sure he doesn't trash the rest of your house Tom!" Tom began to laugh and he raced in front of me, calling up the stairs.

"Sammy, hey! Stay where you are, don't touch anything!" He smirked at me, before darting upstairs.

I let out a sigh, taking a look at how many stairs there were.

There were two flights.

Or at least, two flights to get to where they were.

I slowly made my way up, step by step.



"You should have invested a lift!" I giggled, suddenly hearing the stomping of somebody's feet.

I lifted my head and saw Tom, edging down the stairs.

"Allow me..." He extended his arm and held out his hand to me.

For a moment, I had just stared at it. Then, I finally decided to clutch it tightly as he had aided me up the stairs.

Tom cemented his hand to mine and secured his other hand around my waist, ensuring I didn't have an accident.

"Thank you." I said, smiling.

"Mommy and Hiddles sitting in a tree, K-I-S-"

"N-O, Sammy." He smirked and ran up to me, throwing his arms around my legs.

"Mommy, he reads the books, just like Daddy..." Sam whispers and I hold in my tears.

"I know Sammy..." I kissed the top of his head. "I know..." Tom flashed a frown at me and I smiled slightly, sniffing.

"Are we staying here tonight Mommy?" Sam squealed.

I still wasn't sure, but if it made him happy...

"Yeah, Sammy, of course." Tom smiled at me.

"Right then buddy!" He picked Sam up, touching the tip of his nose. "Let's find your room since you have Mother's permission." He faced me. "I'll put him on his room. And, I'm sure I have some of my old clothes here."

"Thank you." I smile, rubbing my arm.

Tom and Sammy then make their way up the stairs, away from my veiw.

I had no idea which room was Tom's, but I went with the first room on my left.

I was right.

Tom's clothes were lying all over the bed and his laptop had papers all over it.

Walking towards his bed, I lowered myself down and felt my pocket for the letter.

I gazed at the envelope for a moment, before tearing it open, pulling out the paper.

My dear wife,

By the time you read this, I am dead.

I know that, our last moments weren't the best we could have spent together, but to me, they were.

I remember Sam's obsession with Loki and your obsession with apples once he was inside your womb.

I remember that first kick, to holding that boy in our arms.

But, please, tell him... tell him his father is okay. Tell him, he died thinking of him and I'll always be with him in his heart.

I'll always be with you too Astrid.

You know I had always loved you. I bet, Daniel had given this to you and, you now know.

I had died of cancer, not my accident. I'm sorry. I really am. I love you.

I couldn't bear it.

I stopped there, scrunching the paper into a ball and vigorously threw it out of my hands.

Weeping softly, I buried my face into my hands. However, I felt a soft touch and a hand caress my hair.

That was, at least, I had Tom by my side.

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