Chapter Twenty - Pain and Hunger

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Tom's POV

I lifted my hand from her back and stuffed my hands into my pockets.

"Shall I... grab a good drink?" Astrid asked before arching her hands onto her back. She groaned and I frowned.

"A-are you sure I shouldn't... get it?" And Astrid totally refused.

"No, no. We are celebrating for you and I am the host." She smirked, touching her bump. "Besides, you will be the only one having a drink and not me. So..." I simpered, putting on of my hands onto my hips.

Ultimately, looking like a complete girl.

"Will you miss the old bottle of alky?" Astrid chuckled and I couldn't help but smile myself.

She made me put a smile on my face - that was how much I had missed it.

"I don't really know. When I was... you know... with Sammy, I guess I had cravings for the odd fruit. Alcohol, is something I was never addicted to. Unless... well..."

"Unless you hate life?" Astrid bit her lip and fiddled with her fingers.

"Y-yeh." She lifted her head back up. "Tom... I..." Hearing my name, I focused my eyes onto her. "Okay, now you are scaring me." I lifted an eyebrow, then pressed my hand against the back of my neck.

"Am I doing it again?" She folded her arms and nodded.

"Yes." I coughed awkwardly.

"Well..." I relaxed my eyes ever so slightly. "Now?"

"Now... I can actually speak without having the urge to laugh." I licked my lips.

"I-I make you laugh?" Astrid instead placed a hand on her hip.

"Yeh. Yeh, course you do." I scoff.

"That's good to know..." A crease formed in between Astrid's eyebrows. "Sorry, you were going to..." And then, she cleared her throat.

"Yeh. Well, I... I just wanted to properly say, thank you again. I know I've been a totally ass lately." I placed my hand onto her arm.

"No. No, it's fine. I don't care. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." Astrid immediately put a smile on her lips.

"Thank you."

"See, now you won't stop saying thank you!" Myself and Astrid chuckled and she tapped my shoulder lightly.

"I better get a drink and some food for Sammy." Astrid made her way into the kitchen and I slowly followed her looking around and observed. "I still have some of the pasta left from when you came." I laughed.


"I've had to hide it from Sam." Finally, I stepped into the kitchen. "And when I use hide, I mean forcefully stopping him from eating it."

"Wow." She nodded, pouring the leftover pasta into a plate and placing it into the microwave.

"Yep. Guess you need to cook more often."

"I don't honour myself as being a good cook Astrid." God, I really didn't.

"You are gifted at many things Tom. Sometimes..." The microwave began to beep and she took it out. "... you need faith. Just like you did to me." She smiled, grabbing a fork and she pointed it at me, while I slowly moved back. "You. Need. Faith. Thomas." Uh oh.

There goes the serious name again.

"Ehe... thanks."

"You're saying thanks again..." She popped the food into the plate. "Do me a favour, call Sam down." I bowed, walking out of the kitchen with my bands behind my back.

"Sam! Sam!" I called and let out a sigh. Then I made my way into the dining room, a gasp escaping my mouth.

"Hiddles!" He waved his legs as he sat in the chair, eager to... well, eat.

"Hey buddy." I sat next to him and he throws his arms around me.

It felt nice to get a hug.

It felt good since his were one of a kind.

"Thank you for coming. I like it when you're here." He released his arms from me and we both smiled.

"I... like being here." Sam widens his smile.

"Mommy likes you here too." As soon as I blink, my facial expression changes. Everything widens.

"Oh, Sammy. Here's your pasta hun." Astrid makes her way towards Sam, placing the plate in the table and he gobbles it right up.

"Mommy, how long will Tom be staying?" I looked up at Astrid.

"As long as he wants to. Besides, I've got to drop him off."

"Are you sure it's okay... for you... to... drop me? It's dark... and... well..."

“Tom, I know I'm pregnant, but I'm not entirely vulnerable.” I smile and Astrid’s eyes suddenly smother with pain.

I notice, but Sam does not.

Astrid didn't know I had, I could tell.

“E-excuse me for a minute…” Astrid slowly makes her way into the kitchen and I watch her.

Sam looks at Astrid as she walks away, then he looks at me.

“I love your pasta Hiddles. It's amazing!” I shuffle his hair.

“I'm glad.” Peering over my shoulder, I tense my cheekbones. “I'll be a minute Sam.” Easing myself up, I step into the kitchen, Astrid breathing heavily. “Astrid?”

Gosh, I hope she's okay.

I place my hand onto her back and she gives out a sigh of relief.

“Tom… sorry, I…” She turns around.


“I'm fine, honestly. Just… feeling a bit ill and well… I think the baby is kicking already…” I smile and so does Astrid.

“Is there anything else?” She pressed her hand onto my shoulder.

“You're too kind Tom. I'm fine.”

“My mind is at rest.” She chuckles.

“I… Do you want to… put Sam to bed again?” I rub my hands together in excitement.

“Is that even a question?!” Astrid simpers and I frown. “A-are you sure you're okay?” She nods.

“Yeh, yeh. I'll prepare the drinks, you go ahead and… put Sam to bed.” Rubbing my shoulder lightly, Astrid lifts her hand from me and I make my way into the living room, where I find Sam watching television.

“Hey Sam, ready for bed?” He shakes his head rapidly and I chuckled. “I'll read the comic book in Loki's voice again…” Sam pauses for a moment and runs straight out of the room, his stomping echoing through the house.

I really hope Astrid is okay.

I want to help, because if she needs it - I'm here.

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