Chapter Fourteen - Seal it

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Astrid's POV

It had been awfully quiet for the last fifteen minutes and I was actually beginning to get worried.

As I eased myself from the sofa, I nearly fell back since Tom and Sam stood in front of me.

In fact, before I could actually fall back, Tom had taken hold of my hand, pulling me upright.

"Careful." He pulled me right up to his face, my hands clutching onto his shoulders. "We don't want you to have a nasty accident." My hair fell in front of my face and I edged away from him slightly.

"Um can... I have my... hand back?" Tom looked down and released his grip from my hand, chuckling nervously.

"Oh right." Sam giggled subtly, but I knew he was giggling away. "Y-yeh. Sorry." I shook my head, rubbing my wrists.

"It's... fine..." Clearing my throat, I turned to look at Sammy. "You... okay Sammy?" He nodded frantically and I frowned, looking at Tom.

Who winked at me, smirking.

"Who's hungry?" Tom rushed into the kitchen and I just stood there, Sam also just standing there.

After a few minutes, Sam had approached me, shyly and wrapped his arms around my legs.

Reaching my arms as far as I could, I rubbed his back.

"Mommy..." I looked down at Sammy, who tightened his arms around me more. "I'm... sorry..."

"N-n-no Sammy. I should be sorry. Sorry for not... telling you about your Father." Sam scratched his head, leaning his chin on my legs.

"Is Daddy... in a good place?" Pausing, my mouth drooped.

"Oh, hell he is..." I whispered and kissed the top of Sam's head. "Now go on. I'll get some food ready." Sam smiled at me.

"Hiddles is nice Mommy. Daddy would love him." I frowned for a moment, Sam scrambling onto the sofa.

As I folded my arms, I made my way into the kitchen.

Tom had his head... in the fridge.

I waited a few moments and then thought it was time to intervene.

Coughing several times, Tom backed away from the fridge and smiled at me.

"Ehe... what do you guys want to eat?" I couldn't help but smile and Tom commented on it. "Gosh, that smile. I've wanted to see it..." He simpered at me slightly, rubbing the palm of his hands together. "So, food?" Slowly walking towards Tom, he carried on talking and I knew he was avoiding it.

"Tom, I..." I slid my hands across the counter, Tom still talking.

"Right, so we have... chicken... some spinach-" He picked the bag of spinach up and showed me.


"I was thinking either, a pasta or a nice roast..."

"Tom!" I screamed and he jumped. "Sorry..." I chuckled and Tom leaned his arm on the counter, myself fiddling with my fingers next to him.

"S-sorry too... What's up? And please... I have the response 'roof' several times." Smiling, he chuckled.

"D-did you... talk to... Sam?" Tom looked away and I squeezed his shoulder. "I'm not mad..." He quickly faced me again, his green eyes focused on me.

"No?" I blinked continuously.

"N-no... I'm not. It's just... well, it's the kindest thing another guy has ever done to me." I scoffed. "Hell, my whole damn life. Sam is a hard one to persuade."

"Not if you have the Hiddleston magic you don't!" He smiled and I turned my body to face him properly.

"Thank you." Swiftly, I pecked his cheek, Tom freezing, then clearing his throat. "That's the last one you're getting today." He smiled slightly and I grabbed the bag of spinach.

"Spinach and chicken pasta will do right?"

"Yep, it will."

Me and Tom began to cook for the next hour and it was... fun.

Tom couldn't stop throwing in more vegetables that we could sneak into the pasta dish, hoping that Sam would notice.

And that time came.

"How's the pasta Sam?" I asked, looking at Tom.

"It's great Mommy!" Sam spoke with his mouth full and Tom snorted, myself chuckling. "What?" Sam gulped.

"N-nothing Sam... Y-you keep eating..." Tom looked at me, stuffing another forkful into his mouth.

And then... I remembered the car.

My car.

I sighed hard.

"Gosh, I need to get the car..." Tom swallowed his forkful as I played with the food on my plate. I felt sick.

"H-how about I go get it?" I looked at Tom.

"I think it's a good idea if I go. It is my car..."

"Why don't you both go Mommy?" Instantly, me and Tom looked at Sammy. I think we frightened the poor boy. His eyes widened in response.

"What?" Glancing at Tom, Sam nodded.

"Yes Mommy. Both of you go." Tom shrugged.

"Sounds like a... fair enough idea. Astrid?" Looking at Tom I nodded.

"Okay. Fine." I pushed the plate away.


"Yeah Sammy?"

"Are you going to eat that?" Me and Tom smirked at each other.

"No honey." Sam reached over the table, pulling the plate in front of him and he ate the plate of food while me and Tom watched.

I observed the art of sneaking vegetables into a little boy's plate.

That was what I'd call 'Hiddleston magic.'

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