Chapter Twenty Three - True or False?

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OMG! Been through soo many exams and I still have like three to go! :3 Thank you all for 3.6K :D I hope you like my pro pic ;) Adorable Sherly... ;) I hope you enjoy this one!


Astrid's POV

"Good luck Hiddles!" I heard Sammy shout and a crease formed in between my eyebrows.

Did Tom let Sam in about yesterday? Did Sam tell Tom about where I was going today?

I waited in the corridor for Tom to actually exit the class, I had no idea why he taking so long.

Sighing, Tom finally came out and I smiled at him slightly. He rushed to my side and overlapped his left hand over his right in front of himself.

"S-so..." Tom was nervous, I could tell.

"So..." I repeated, without a stutter.

"H-how are you A-astrid?" I face Tom as we walk, simpering.

"I'm fine..." I tapped my bump. "Just you know... pregnant." He chuckled and reached for his hair, combing his fingers through it.

"Is... everything okay with... erm..." I lifted an eyebrow and Tom waved around his own stomach. Chuckling, patted Tom's back.

"You can say it you know Tom." He smiled. "And yeh, I... hope so..." I dropped my eyes.

Tom's POV

My eyes immediately shot in Astrid's direction.

"H-hope so?" We both slowed our pace, nearly at the school's entrance. "What does that mean?" Astrid sighs.

"I don't know yet." She begins to walk quicker and the blazing sun was finally out, blaring in my face.

At last, some sun.

Some vitamin D.

Been a while.

I pause and narrow my eyes, searching for Astrid amongst the bright sun rays.

Then, I spot her, easing herself onto a bench.

Making my way to her, I look around, frowning.

"Something the matter Tom?" I press my hands against the wood and lift both eyebrows.

"I... I don't notice this bench here before..." Astrid starts to giggle.

"You've never been observant, have you Tom?" I chuckle, stretching my hand across my face and I press my elbows against thighs. Tapping my foot, both of us sigh. "Been a while since we've had sun light."

"Yeh, finally good to have some weather with no chaos." I smile.

"Yes." Then, I get to the point.

"So..." I take a deep breath. "What do you think is wrong Astrid?"


"With the..." I circle my hand in the above above my own stomach. I couldn't say it.

"... Say it..."

"Baby?" I manage to rasp out.

"Well... look, I know I shouldn't drag you into this." Astrid fiddles with her fingers and I reach my hand over to hers, slowly. "You're my son's teacher and it isn't-"

"I don't care. I'm helping. It's the least I can do, Astrid. I'm all ears you know." I attempt to give her a comforting smile.

"Gosh." Astrid sniffs. "You sound like a psychologist!" Both of chuckle and she sniffs again.

"I'll keep saying it though. I'm here." She smiles at me. "I'm here to help, it's my duty." I bit my lip. "You are my duty." Leaning back, I shift closer to her. "What's your plan then?" I tap my ears. "I'm listening."

"I... well, today... I'm going to the clinic." I frown.


"I feel like..." I focus on Astrid as she touched her bump. "I feel like... I'm losing it... like I lost Christopher." Rubbing Astrid's shoulder gently, I lick my lips.

"Astrid... don't assume the worst. I know that, that baby in their is alive and kicking. I bet, it's just... growing quickly." We both go silent.

"You've never had a pregnant friend before have you?"

"No!" Astrid and I laugh.

"But... I just... want to make sure that this baby doesn't go, just like my Christopher." Astrid's voice croaks and she sniffs, wiping the end of her nose. I rub her shoulder once again, giving her a comforting smile.

"You won't. And..." Pausing, I took a deep breath. "I bet that your baby will be okay. I know." I tap my nose. "It's my hiddles magic!" I should really stop saying that. Ah well, I can't.

"Ehe, well... your magic worked once." Astrid looked at her bump. "Pray it works again."

"It will." I simper. "I can control it so..." I divert my eyes away from her for a moment, knowing I could confess my feelings. "Astrid I-" This was let out at a small whisper, so small - Astrid failed to hear it.

"Look, I shouldn't ask... You've been too kind already..." I frown.

"Ask me what? And you know it's a pleasure." Smiling slightly, Astrid returns it.

"Well... I was wondering..."

"Say it..." I repeat her words from earlier and Astrid smirked.

"Would you mind..." She snapped her eyes shut and spoke so quickly, but I understood it. "... coming with me to my scan! There I said it." I stayed quiet for a moment, thinking. "I know it's a bad idea-"

I was honoured.

It was, nice of her to ask...

"No, no." I shifted my body slightly. "I'm... honoured to join you. But... there's a small matter of getting out of the school."

"My appointment is at... 3:15. I will have to pick Sam up early, but if it means you missing a bit of teaching Tom, you don't have to come." I placed my hand onto hers.

"Astrid." She lay her eyes onto mine. "I'd love to." Astrid squeals like a child and throws her arms around me, slowly moving away.

Phew, no talk about the kiss yesterday...



"I wanted to... talk about yesterday." Aw crap, I jinxed it. Scratch that, I got myself in the mess I didn't want to be in.


"I know you weren't exactly sober." I dropped my head.

But, it felt so right.

"I know. Look, I apologise. I was..." Should I confess? Would owning up that I loved her help our 'professional' relationship? "... not sober, yeh." It would.

I couldn't take advantage of her after she had lost her own husband - this is what she would think. I know it.

"Since you were aware, I accept your apology Thomas. Thank you."

I was so wrong. So very wrong.

But, was there really ever a right time to confess to a widow about a fellow gentlemen's love?

God knows.

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