Chapter Twenty Eight - Unbelievable

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Astrid's POV

"D-Daniel?" I stutter, tilting my head. He smiles at me and throws his arms around me.

"I heard about Chris." A tear formed in my eye and I quickly wiped it away. He released his arms from my neck. "I mean, cancer and a two week deadline. I will killed those doctors." I frowned.

"What cancer?"

"Chris, h-he had cancer... didn't he tell you?" Gasping, I quickly divert my eyes away from Daniel. "Astrid I..."

"No, stop!" Tom growled at Daniel and I felt his grip against my clothing. "Astrid..." He whispered and I clutched his hand.

"It's... fine..." I whispered back, turning back round with the person I had grown to love by my side. Daniel looked at me in shock.

Complete and utter shock.

He knew Christopher and I would share everything, but this was the worst thing he could keep from me.

I thought I trusted him...

Then, I pause from my pain, trying re-establish what he had said. He said, two weeks?

"Daniel, wait..." I moved forward slightly, Tom keeping by my side because he would never lie to me. "You said... two weeks..." Daniel dropped his head.

"Christopher didn't breath a word to about this, did he?" I took a shivery breath and arched my hands onto my back.

"Do you... t-think he did?" I couldn't take it anymore.

Placing my band over my mouth, I quickly rushed out if the living room and into the kitchen.

On the way, I glanced at Sammy, who was sipping away at his hot chocolate in front of the TV.

I put my hands onto the counter and bkwed my head, pain and heartbreak washing over me.

Taking deep breaths, I also felt my baby occasionally kick and I knew this news wasn't making things better.

It was making me much worse.

"Astrid..." Tom caressed my cheek and I immediately turned turned and weeped in his shoulder. "H-hey, Astrid-"

"He didn't love me." I muffled into his clothes. "He lied. Why do men always lie?" Tom kissed the top of my head.

"Some believe that even the worst news must remain hidden without causing pains to the ones they love." It sounded logical from Tom's mouth.

"Tom..." I edged back, my baby bump brishing against his stomach. "You... said you wanted to tell me something earlier." I've had enough lies, I wanted the truth.

Tom's POV

Every bone in my body told me to tell her.

Squinting, I rub the back of my neck.

"I-I don't think now is a good time." Her eyes began to flood with sorrow and emptiness. She needed to hear what I wanted to say.

"Please..." I took a deep breath.

"Okay.... You know... that night, I kissed you..." She nodded. "I wasn't that drunk, I..." Astrid peered at me. "I love you Ms Williams. I love you." Instead of turning me away, she placed her hand onto my cheek, smiling.

"I think, I love you too Thomas Hiddleston." I smiled slightly, and pecked her on her cheek, rubbing the tips of our noses against each other.

"Mommy, what are you and Loki doing?" We both backed away awkwardly.

"N-nothing, me and your Mom, we were, just erm..." Sam giggled and looked at Astrid, who kept her breathing heavy.

"Mommy, why is uncle Danny here?" She looked at me, touching her bump and wincing.

"Astrid." I placed my hand onto her back and rubbed it. "This isn't good for you or the baby. Please, ease into this." I smiled at her in comfort and she smiled back.

"Sammy!" Daniel cried out in excitement, in which Sam had rushed into his arms happily. "How's my boy?"

"I'm fine, uncle Danny! Look!" Sam pointed at me and Astrid. "Mommy met Loki." Astrid darted towards Sam and took hold of his hand.

"He is not your boy!" Sam frowned and I quickly grabbed his hand myself, crouching down.

"Sam, why don't you go upstairs and explore. Me and Mommy will be up in a bit." Sam hugged me and I was relaxed. He had the best relieving hugs in the world.

"Go get her Hiddles." He whispered into my ear and rushed off.

"Astrid, I understand you are-"

"You don't!" Astrid cried out and she touched her forehead. "You're not welcome here." I parted my lips slightly. "Tom, escort him out please." Astrid folds her arms and I grab hold of Daniel.

"Astrid, please! Please!" Daniel shouted next to be as we got further away from Astrid. I pushed him out of the door, Daniel holding out a letter. "Wait! Give her this please..." I snatch it off him.

"What is it? Will it hurt her more, 'cause I swear-"

"It's from Chris. She'll want to read it." Daniel threw his hood on and jumped down the steps, running out of my view.

Sighing, I close the door and walked into the living room - Astrid looking out the window.

"He's definitely gone?" She asked. I nodded.

"Gone. He'll never disturb you again." Astrid turned towards me.

"What's that?"

"Daniel... he... gave it to me, said it was from Christopher." Astrid froze. "I can bin it if you want." I simper at her, but she holds out her hand and I press into into her palm.

She quickly stuffs it into her pocket and doesn't take a second glance. Astrid soon turns to face me and she smiles.

"So... Tom, are you... going to take it?" She asks and I completely lose focus.


"The... job..." I suddenly realise.

"Oh, the... job..." I sigh heavily.

"Don't want to talk about it?"

"Well... I... I don't know if I... want to leave all this." Astrid and I sit down and she places her hand onto my shoulder.

"Sometimes you have to say goodbye to the things you love most. I learnt the hard way."

"I'm sorry Astrid." She frowns.


"I didn't think that this evening would end like this."

"It wasn't your fault. It was the people who lied to me." Astrid rubbed her baby bump. "And you told me the truth eventually. And I told you, I love you too..." I chuckled at Astrid and I rubbed her cheek with my thumb.

We both leaned forward and our lips touched lightly and with ease.

We did not go on of course, we have a child in the house and she's pregnant.

But at least, I was confident she knew...

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