Chapter Five - Consequences of Wicked Ways

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Astrid's POV

I glared at Sarah. I knew what she was up to. Right now however, I was so not in the mood. If I was pregnant, this certainly wasn't going to end very well.

"Right... come on Sammy." Sam jumped towards my hand and gripped it tightly. I turned around to face Mr Hiddleston and he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Astrid then, let me show you... to my form of transport." He started to walk towards the car and I edged behind him with Sammy.

"I'm sorry Mommy." I smiled at Sam slightly, holding his hand tighter than before.

"Don't worry about it Sam. It's nothing now." Mr Hiddleston opened up the back car door and Sam happily jumped inside, I strapped him in safely. After I closed the door, I popped myself in the front seat and made sure that Sam, my first priority, was okay.

"Sam, you okay?" He nodded frantically.

"I'm ready for the road Mommy." I dropped my head, a tear forming in my eye.

He always used to say that.

I saw Mr Hiddleston notice my emotions and so I instantly tried to hide them. Obviously that didn't work out.

"Hey, Astrid, are you... all right?" Patting my nose with the end of my sleeve I gave him a reassuring smile. Not so reassuring once my voice had suddenly broke when I spoke.

"I-I'm... fine." He let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry that I... didn't get the chance to introduce myself properly earlier. I think we also got off in the wrong foot. Shall we... start again?" Slowly turning my head, I faced him.

"O-okay..." Wow, what a gentlemen.

"I'm Tom. Tom Hiddleston." He held out his hand to me and he leisurely tucked it away. "Sorry... I'm... used to shaking people's hands at meetings... So..." By common sense, I knew how nervous he was, so I tried to set him up on the right track.

"No, it's fine..." I smirked, holding out my hand instead. He stared at it for a moment, thinking. Observing. At least that is what I thought. If he was used to meetings, he would shake my hand back. And he did. "I'm Astrid. Astrid Williams." His hand took a firm grip onto mine and he shook it, like a proper gentleman.

"Well, Astrid. Your son is amazing." I looked into the mirror, Sam peering his head into the front area of Tom's car.

"Mr Hiddles... stone is amazing Mommy! Just like Dad!" I quickly looked at Sam, then at Tom.

"Erm... Sam, put your seat belt back on." Sam slowly disappeared and I bit my lip, my voice breaking slightly when I opened my mouth. "To... Tom, may we... go to my home now please?" Tom nodded his head, smiling at me.

Presumably, I thought, just for a moment that he knew. Knew about my past. But I was so sure he didn't, but so sure he did.

He rubbed his hands together and looked back at Sam.

"Sam, you ready?" Sammy nodded frantically and Tom chuckled. "Guess he is ready. What about you? You ready for the road?" The words that came out of his mouth had made my heart freeze and only my husband would be able to thaw it.

Thaw a frozen heart.

My heart.

"Astrid?" Tom called me and I remained unanswered. "Did I... say something wrong?" Blinking continuously, I finally spoke.

"N-no. Just..." I turned my head around to look out the window. "... Take me and my son home, please." I scrunched my lips together, holding in my emotions.

In the window, I noticed Tom's facial expression convey sorrow and sympathy.

Once that keys had been turned, all I did was gaze out of the window, minding my own business. I knew how quiet I stayed had aroused suspicion towards Tom.

After thirty minutes, which felt like lifetime, finally the car was stood outside of the house.

"Right, we're... here." I suddenly frowned.

"We... are?" Quickly looking at Tom, he bit his bottom lip.


"That took a while..." Tom furrowed his eyebrow.

"It was only a thirty minute drive. Sammy here enjoyed it."

"Yeh, Mommy." I closed my eyes and began to breath heavily. It was like I was having a panic attack. One that wasn't very detectable. However, he did. Tom. He noticed my actions within a split second.

"Sammy, why don't you step outside for a moment?"

"What about Mommy?" He lowered his voice, even though I could still hear him.

"Mommy will be a minute." Sam jumped out of the car and hung around outside. Tom placed his hand in my shoulder.

"Astrid. Are you alright?" My breathing returned to normal and I turned to face Tom.

"I'm... fine..." Tom sighed.

"I know Astrid. I know about-"

You know nothing!" I snapped. "Look I... my head is all over the place. Thank you for dropping us off. I need a large sleeping pill and my bed right now." He smiled and I tapped him lightly on his back. "Just... look after my son yeh?"

"Of course." Stepping out of the car, Sam pleaded Tom to come inside.

"Please Sir, please come in! Mommy please?!" He screeched and I rubbed my forehead. I knocked in the window lightly, Tom rolling down the window.

"How can I help?" His smile had gotten my heart to skip a beat.

"Sam won't stop asking... come inside?" His smile drooped and he turned off the engine.

"Sure." Opening the door, he stepped out, the wind blowing my hair into my face. "God it's freezing." I chuckled.

"Yeh, it is." I tightened my coat around myself. "Let's get inside." As Tom blew his hands to trap warmth, Sam held onto his hand.

I glanced at the picture.

Sam has grown a bond with his teacher, one which I shouldn't have.

And I was certain with my words.

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